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(375 found)

Population-Specific TSAC Research Column

January 12, 2024

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The purpose of the following article is to discuss current interventions surrounding prevention of musculoskeletal injury and improved physical fitness across military, fire, and police populations.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation Military Fire Police Wildland Firefighters Musculoskeletal Force Plate VO2Max

Applied Periodization in Shoulder Injury for the Tactical Athlete—Part 1

July 1, 2016

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An organized, science-based, and evidence-based periodized program that is guided by capable and competent professionals is the most efficient and effective way to accomplish the task of returning from a shoulder injury to full active duty. The concepts of periodization paired with evidence-based strength and conditioning interventions provides the framework needed for tactical facilitators to accomplish this task.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease tactical strength and conditioning TSAC periodization rehab shoulder injury

The 165-lb Body Drag Benchmarking and Training Implications for Law Enforcement Recruits

December 4, 2020

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The purpose of this article is to describe the 165-lb body drag as performed by California law enforcement recruits in order to graduate academy.

TSAC Facilitators Testing and Evaluation Body Drag Law Enforcement Strength TSAC-F

NSCA Announces 2021 RSCCE

The NSCA is proud to name 17 strength and conditioning coaches who have obtained the prestigious Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach Emeritus (RSCC*E) designation in 2021. They join an elite and prestigious group of professionals who have proven themselves as experts of the industry.

Occupational Physical Fitness Tests for Police Officers—A Narrative Review

January 8, 2019

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Occupational police tests described in the literature can serve as indicators of the occupational performance of their employees. In addition, practitioners in charge of police training should develop and employ obstacle courses composed of critical work tasks, as they may be strongly related to tests of aerobic endurance, strength, muscular endurance, and agility.

TSAC Facilitators Testing and Evaluation TSAC Tactical Training Police Testing Occupational Fitness Test

Body Mass Bias—Effects on Fitness Test and Tactical Performance

June 1, 2015

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Because fitness test results are part of performance evaluations, smaller service members have an advantage in terms of attaining promotions, despite evidence that suggests that greater body size, strength, power, and load carrying capacity is correlated with tactical performance.

TSAC Facilitators Testing and Evaluation body mass bias reliability of fitness tests allometric scaling TSAC fitness testing

Boots on the Ground: Real-World Strength and Conditioning Implementation at the Battalion Level

March 26, 2021

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This article is from the perspective of the Battalion Commander, 1st Tank Battalion, in an effort to share with other TSAC-F what did and did not work while implementing the Marine Corps’ Force Fitness program.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Special Forces TSAC-F Marine Corps Foundational Movements Education

The Importance of Proper Movement for Marines—Part 4: Movement Education

October 1, 2014

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In the final part of this four-part series on proper movement, the author recommends that the US Marine Corps screen the movement quality of each Marine and educate them on how to move correctly in order to reduce the risk of injury.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design HIIT movement assessment fitness for Marines injury prevention

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