Assistant College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Criteria Sheet

Dear nominee:

Congratulations on being nominated for Assistant College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year! Please complete the form below to be considered for this prestigious award. Deadline for submission is October 15. Note: this form does not save. Please review what information is needed before submitting.

All nominations will be tallied based on a criteria sheet system. The top three nominees will then be deliberated by the Coaching Awards Task Force. The winner will be presented their award during the Awards and Keynote at the Coaching Conference.

Click here to view how the recipient is selected and to view past winners.

Assistant College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Nominee Submission Form

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Absolute Eligibility Requirements

Please confirm you meet the eligibility requirements for this award. 

Current Member?
Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach (RSCC)?
Assistant coach?


Please attach your cover letter to the Coaching Task Force (required), your resume or CV (required), and supporting documents for your points. 

General Criteria

A minimum of six (6) points are required for this category. Input your points below.

NSCA Involvement

A minimum of three (3) points are required for this category. Points are only for the current year unless otherwise noted. Input your points below.

Educational/Coaching Activities

A minimum of two (2) points are required for this category. Points are only for the current year. Input your points below.

Publications and Presentations

A minimum of one (1) point is required for this category and a max of 6 points are allotted. Points are only for the current year. Input your points below.

Miscellaneous Category

This category has no minimum point requirement. Points are for the current year. Input your points below. 

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