NSCA Member Awards

The NSCA is proud to recognize the outstanding work of our professionals around the world. Award honorees come from all facets of our industry including professional, collegiate, and high school sports, personal training, research, and education. The awards honor professionals, athletes, volunteers, and students.



We look to our members to identify individuals who are committed to excellence and deserve recognition.

Nominate someone you feel should be honored, and help us celebrate their dedication to the field of strength and conditioning.


Accepting Nominations Now

Members only

All-American Strength & Conditioning Athlete Nominations Are Open!

Nominate your collegiate or high school athletes, whose athletic accomplishments reflect their dedication to strength training and conditioning. Recognize outstanding integrity and academic or personal accomplishments as student-athletes. Deadline: February 28.

Nominate a Student-Athlete

Career Awards

These prestigious awards commemorate significant achievements and impact in the field of strength and conditioning. Carefully selected by the Board of Directors and presented at the annual Awards Banquet during the NSCA National Conference, the NSCA Career Awards honor the esteemed careers of top professionals of the industry.


Boyd Epley Award for Lifetime Achievement
Alvin Roy Award for Career Achievement
NSCA Impact Award


View Career Awards


Peer Awards

Coaching Awards

These awards honor strength and conditioning coaches who have gone above and beyond to improve athletic performance and upheld safe and effective science-based programming. 

Professional Strength & Conditioning
Coach of the Year

College Strength & Conditioning
Coach of the Year

Assistant College Strength & Conditioning
Coach of the Year

High School Strength & Conditioning
Coach of the Year


View Coaching Awards

Tactical Awards

Recognizing excellence in tactical strength and conditioning, these annual awards honor individuals working in tactical environments. Awardees serve those who serve, ensuring top performance from military, law enforcement, fire, and first responder personnel.

Tactical Strength & Conditioning
Professional of the Year

Tactical Strength & Conditioning
Coach of the Year




View Tactical Awards



Special Recognition Awards

These peer awards honor some of the very best professionals in our industry. Special Recognition Awards also include special acknowledgment for student-athletes and high schools.

Special Recognition Editorial & Research Awards:

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Editorial Excellence Award
Strength and Conditioning Journal Editorial Excellence Award
Student Research Awards

Special Recognition Service Awards:

Outgoing President Award
President’s Award
Retiring Board of Directors
State/Provincial Director of the Year

Special Recognition for Athletes & Schools:

All-American Strength & Conditioning Athlete of the Year
Strength of America Award


View Special Recognition Awards



Awards Calendar

Nomination and Application Timelines

Nominations are open August-December.

All-American Strength & Conditioning Athlete of the Year nominations are accepted in February.

Strength of America application deadlines are May 15 & November 15 annually.

Nominations are open February-June.

Nominations are open September-January.

Candidates are only nominated by a past president or a current member of the NSCA Board of Directors.

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Special Award Events & Announcements

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Coaching Awards

Three of the four coaching awards are presented during the opening ceremony at Coaches Conference in January. The high school coaching award is presented in July at National Conference.

All-American S&C Athlete of the Year

In April, awardees are announced via press release from the NSCA, as well as from the athlete’s school, if desired.


Career, Professional, & Special Recognition Awards

Most Awards are presented at the Awards Banquet at the National Conference in July.


Tactical Awards

Awardees in the Tactical field are recognized during the opening ceremony at Tactical Annual Training each year in August.



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Awards FAQs

  • Do you have to be an NSCA Member to receive an award?

    Yes. NSCA Award criteria requires membership, typically for 2 consecutive years or more, depending on the award. There are exceptions for the Alvin Roy Award for Career Achievement, All-American Strength & Conditioning Athletes of the Year Award, and some service awards.

    Learn About Membership
  • Can I nominate myself?

    Yes. You are welcome to submit a nomination for your achievements in an applicable category, however, self-nominations are only accepted for Peer Awards.

  • How does the selection process work?

    Depending on the award, nominations are submitted by NSCA members, NSCA board members, or specific industry professionals within the NSCA. Career award nominees are provided by the NSCA Board of Directors. Learn more about each award’s selection process by clicking on that awards category page.


NSCA Fellowships

Join the ranks of elite professionals in the strength and conditioning and sport science community as a Fellow of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (FNSCA). This distinguished title is reserved for NSCA members who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and contributions to NSCA's mission and the profession as a whole. The Fellow application deadline is March 1, annually.

Fellow Emeritus

Current Fellows (FNSCA) may change their status to FNSCA*E if they are 60 years of age or older, retired or work no more than 20 hours per week as a Certified Professional, and have had 15 years of membership with the NSCA (does not have to be consecutive).

Add Emeritus Status
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