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(269 found)

Exercise Technique: Front Squat

May 1, 2015


Exercise Technique: Front Squat

Coaches High school coaching sports conditioning coaching technique sports training recovery hs-coaching

Exercise Technique: High Bar Back Squat

May 1, 2015


Exercise Technique: High Bar Back Squat

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Firefighters injury prevention training for firefighters hs-coaching

Squat versus Hip Thrust: Effects on Performance

May 1, 2017


Is the squat or hip thrust a better exercise for increasing jump and sprint performance? The results of this study support the force vector theory.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique hip thrust squat vertical jump infographics

Bridge: Optimizing Squat Technique

May 1, 2015


This video demonstrates coaching cues that can help an athlete to utilize optimal squat technique. It specifically addresses stance width, heel position, head position, and squat depth

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique exercise technique squat exercise squat best way to squat squat technique hs-coaching

Zercher Squat: Field Alternative for Front Squat

March 19, 2021


This exercise technique excerpt demonstrates the Zercher squat as a possible alternative and more field-specific squat for tactical athletes.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Zercher Squat Exercise Technique Front Squat

From the Field – A Closer Look at Squat Variations

September 18, 2020

Article Members Only

This article briefly explains different squat variations, as well as how they differ from a physics and biomechanics standpoint.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Barbell Back Squat Front Squat Knee Stability Posterior Chain

Stability and the Squat: Front-Loaded versus Back-Loaded Squatting—Part 4

June 1, 2017


Squatting may be commonplace in the weight room, but proper execution of this great exercise is difficult. Strength and conditioning coaches will need to properly select exercises and cue their athletes in a way that not only allows for a proper stabilizing strategy to occur, but promotes it.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique NSCA Coach squat front squat back squat

How to Modify the Back Squat for Lower Back Pain

December 2, 2022

Article Members Only

This article seeks to provide personal trainers with eight brief modifications that clients can benefit from if they suffer from both acute and chronic lower back pain (LBP).

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Low Back Pain Conventional Back Squat Machine Bracing Core Stability

Visual Feedback Attenuates Mean Concentric Barbell Velocity Loss and Improves Motivation, Competitiveness, and Perceived Workload in Male Adolescent Athletes

October 31, 2019


This study examined the effects of visual kinematic feedback during the back squat exercise.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Infographics Back Squat Visual Kinematic Feedback

Anthropometrical Considerations for Customizing the Squat Pattern

February 25, 2019


Proper form and biomechanical execution of the squat has been a long-debated subject in the fitness and sports performance industries. The following article describes a method to help determine an individual’s preferred squatting foot position, setup, and depth based on their unique hip anthropometrics for smarter, safer, and more optimized squatting.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Testing and Evaluation Squat Squat Position Bio-mechanics Squat stance

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