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Strength Training Practices for Rowing – Part 3 – Conditioning Training

September 11, 2020

Article Members Only

This is the third and final article of a series on strength training practices for rowing and will focus on the energy systems development of rowing athletes.

Coaches Program design Rowing Energy Systems Development Heart Rate Breathing Strategies

Strength Training and Endurance Athletes

November 1, 2014

Article Members Only

High-intensity strength training paired with explosive, high-velocity movements is suggested to enhance endurance performance. It is recommended that a practical approach be taken when implementing this model of strength training, which would involve a thorough preparatory period.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design strength training weight training strength training for endurance endurance training concurrent training

Year-Round Strength Training for Collegiate Female Cross Country Runners— Sample Program

January 22, 2019

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Strength training is an often neglected aspect of training for distance athletes. This article gives an overview of the importance of strength training for collegiate female distance runners by providing a sample of an annual training program and considerations to increase performance and avoid injury.

Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Strength Training Female Athlete Collegiate Distance Runner Annual Training Program Injury Prevention

Preparatory Period

September 4, 2020


This excerpt from the Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning outlines what training typically looks like in the preparatory period, or off-season.

Coaches Program design Preparatory Period Off-Season Hypertrophy Strength Endurance Basic Strength

Philosophy in Strength and Conditioning—Clarifying Coaching and Training Philosophy

May 29, 2017

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Once strength and conditioning coaches have a better understanding of some of the differences between coaching and training philosophy, they can build their coaching philosophy and ensure it is a combination of both the “why” and “how.”

Coaches Program design Professional Development Coaching Philosophy Training Philosophy Strength and Conditioning Coach

How to Utilize Contrast Training for Strength, Power, and Performance

January 1, 2021


The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to contrast training, including how it is defined, what variables are utilized, and examples of how to use it in training.

Personal trainers Program design Contrast Training Postactivation Potentiation Power Complex Training

Strongman Training for Youth

April 1, 2014

Article Members Only

Strength and conditioning coaches can safely and effectively integrate strongman training into youth strength and conditioning programs by following established programming guidelines and available research recommendations.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design LTAD strength and conditioning exercise strength and conditioning youth strength training strongman training

Trainability of Neuromuscular Power in Youth

December 29, 2023


This excerpt from Developing Power discusses neuromuscular training for youth athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Power Neuromuscular

Single-Leg and Double-Leg Training Implications for Basketball

January 1, 2015


Both unilateral and bilateral training should be used to optimally develop basketball players. This article compares single-leg and double-leg training options and provides considerations and potential implications for training basketball athletes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design single-leg training basketball conditioning double-leg training bilateral training Unilateral training

How to Improve Change-of-Direction Speed in Junior Team Sport Athletes

March 12, 2021


This infographic briefly explains the effects of horizontal jump training, vertical jump training, maximal strength training, and explosive strength training on change-of-direction ability in junior team sport athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Infographics Change-of-Direction Maximal Strength Explosive Strength hs-coaching

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