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(157 found)

Purpose and Methods of the Hip Hinge and Squat in High School Strength and Conditioning—with Personal Perspective and Sample Program

January 1, 2015

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The hip hinge and squat exercises, and their variations, are used in many strength and conditioning programs to develop athletes of many sports. The listed progressions are examples of practical implications used to develop athletes, but there may be additional practical and effective methods used by strength and conditioning coaches for similar purposes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design squat strength and conditioning hip hinge high school coaching high school hs-coaching

Monitoring Training Load in American Football

February 4, 2019

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Monitoring training load is essential for determining if athletes are adapting positively or negatively to their training program. This article goes over the various measurement metrics and includes recommendations to monitor training load for football athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Athlete Monitoring Metrics GPS Training Load Football

Measurement of Power

June 1, 2017


It is important for coaches to understand the relationship between commonly measured variables (e.g., displacement, velocity, and force) and their relationship to the derived variable of power.

Coaches Exercise Science kinetic select power testing for power exercise testing strength and conditioning

Integration of Clean Variations, Progressions, and Application in Strength and Conditioning Programs

May 5, 2023


The purpose of this article is to provide the strength and conditioning coach with a template on how to integrate the clean and power clean into athletic training programs.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Olympic Lift Power Clean Weightlifting Basketball

Injury Prevention for Tactical Personnel – Compiling the Evidence and Lessons Learned

July 1, 2019


Musculoskeletal injuries are the primary source of disability in the United States military. With the integration of movement screens and the implementation of tactical strength and conditioning facilitators there can be success in reducing the amount of musculoskeletal injuries in the tactical populations.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration Testing and Evaluation Reducing Injuries FMS TSAC TSAC-F Injury Prevention

Development of Muscle Mass: How Much is Optimum for Performance?

September 3, 2019


This infographic highlights differences between hypertrophic gains and neural adaptations for optimal athletic performance.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Infographics Muscle Mass Relative Strength and Power Hypertrophy Neural Adaptation

Assessing Power in Youth Populations

December 31, 2018


The administration and measurement of youth power development has become more available and familiar with the advances of technology. This excerpt introduces varieties of testing and administration practices to assess power in the youth population.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Power Developing Power Youth Training LTAD hs-coaching

The Thermal Outdoor Environment in Track and Field – Best Practices Recommendations for Minimizing Risks

July 9, 2021


The purpose of this article is to help disseminate information on the thermal environment during track meets, risk management, and thermal reducing approaches coaches, athletes, and sports medicine personnel can employ for improved athletic performance in a hot environment.

Coaches Program design Safety Track and Field Hydration Heat Stroke Heat Exhaustion Wet Bulb Globe Temperature

Single-Leg and Double-Leg Training Implications for Basketball

January 1, 2015


Both unilateral and bilateral training should be used to optimally develop basketball players. This article compares single-leg and double-leg training options and provides considerations and potential implications for training basketball athletes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design single-leg training basketball conditioning double-leg training bilateral training Unilateral training

Training the Arm Swing for High Performance

May 17, 2024

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This article explains the connections between the upper and lower body and their influence on performance and recovery strategies in sprinting.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Sprinting Arm Swing Myofascial Chains Aerobic Anaerobic

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