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(197 found)

Bridge: The Pull-Up – Technique and Variations

May 1, 2015


This video demonstrates some of the basic technique and variations of the pull-up.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique exercise technique pull-up how to do a pull-up hs-coaching

Exercise Technique: The Pull-Up

May 1, 2015


The Pull-Up

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique sports training speed training speed agility

The Gray Area of Programming Weightlifting Exercises

January 8, 2021

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to discuss the gray area that should be considered when it comes to implementing weightlifting exercises.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Weightlifting Lift Progressions Triple Extension Load Acceptance

Push, Pull, and Propulsion – The 10-20-30-40 Concept

November 6, 2018

Video Members Only

Jason Masek talks about how to implement and properly execute push, pull, and propulsion movement patterns and variations into athlete programming.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Athlete Programming Push Pull Movement Variation

The Power Position—Characteristics and Coaching Points

August 24, 2018

Article Members Only

The power position is an integral position for a variety of power lifting movements. Athletes can develop their power position via an integrated approach involving sound exercise selection and purposeful instruction leading to enhanced strength and technique.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Power Position Olympic Weightlifting Power Position Technique Coaching Ques Weightlifting

Influence of Resisted Sled‐Pull Training on the Sprint Force‐Velocity Profile of Male High School Athletes

February 5, 2021


This infographic summarizes how varying sled-loads increase different characteristics of sprint performance in male high school athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Infographics Sled-Pull Force-Velocity Sprinting Acceleration hs-coaching

The Double-Knee Bend—Characteristics and Coaching Points

September 3, 2019

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to present and discuss the phases of the pull that precede the power position, as well as present some suggestions for how to coach these positions.

Coaches Exercise Technique Power Snatch Clean Triple Extension Olympic Weightlifting

Face Pull (Machine)

March 21, 2020


Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Exercise Technique Face Pull Cable Machine

Motor Control for the Snatch—an Integrative Approach

July 1, 2016

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The snatch is one of the most technically demanding competitive movements. This article focuses on barbell trajectory (or bar path), motor control, and the height of the bar relative to the athlete’s body.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design strength and conditioning Olympic Lifts Snatch

TSAC Research Column – January 2022

August 26, 2022

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This article is part of a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Wildland Firefighter Law Enforcement Combat Soldiers

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