Colorado Springs, Co – The University of Nebraska Athletics Department announced yesterday the hiring of Boyd Epley as Assistant Athletic Director for Strength and Conditioning, overseeing the strength and conditioning staff and programs of all Nebraska athletic programs except football.
Cross Fit Inc. recently filed a lawsuit against the NSCA. NSCA denies the allegations and claims made against it by CrossFit and will vigorously defend itself against this baseless lawsuit. At the center of the lawsuit is a research article published in NSCA’s Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. As with all research published in NSCA’s journals, the article in question was authored by independent researchers and accepted for publication following a rigorous peer-review process.
The purpose of this case study was to assess a one-day peer fitness leaders workshop for firefighters and law enforcement officers to test the feasibility of creating a “Train the Trainer” program, which could be implemented for continued intervention.
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Colorado Springs, CO – The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) has announced that it is working to elevate and advance the strength and conditioning profession by developing a quality assurance process that ensures all future professionals are capable and well-prepared.