Emerging evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may play a beneficial role in preservation of, and increases in, skeletal muscle mass. This is of particular relevance to the elderly who display age-related declines in muscle mass and function.
Personal trainersNutritionsports nutritionomega-3 fatty acids
The purpose of this article is to discuss the health and occupational implications of firefighters not currently meeting the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) aerobic capacity recommendations.
The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Foundation Board of Directors recognizes Joseph P. Weir, PhD, FNSCA, as our prestigious 2025 Legacy Scholarship Honoree.
Recent advances in research and human performance programs (HPP) has made it possible to learn more about the tactical athlete while creating enhanced methodologies and implementation. This review draws on the past three years of research focusing on strength and conditioning within military communities, exploring the current themes of research and the implications of future studies.
TSAC FacilitatorsExercise TechniqueProgram designstrength trainingHPPhuman performance programstactical strength and conditioningTSAC
The purpose of this article is to explore trauma-related mental health issues and help human performance professionals more effectively train tactical athletes.
TSAC FacilitatorsExercise ScienceProgram designBasic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or DiseaseMental HealthTraumaReadiness SurveyTactical AthletesOculocardiac Reflex Activation
The purpose of this article is to help both personal trainers and clients with seven main concepts within exercise physiology that will improve training effectiveness and assist in explaining the body’s response to exercise.
Personal trainersExercise ScienceNutritionExercise TechniqueProgram designExercise PhysiologyStroke VolumeHydrationEPOCResistance TrainingBone DensityAerobic Exercise
With almost one million people in the United States living with multiple sclerosis, this article aims to provide personal trainers with ideas for exercises to meet the needs of these individuals.
Personal trainersProgram designBasic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or DiseaseMultiple SclerosisHydrotherapy ExercisesLand-Based Exercises
Understanding how the body adapts to the overload of aerobic exercise is critical to designing effective exercise training programs, monitoring exercise responses and progress, and assessing training outcomes.
Personal trainersCoachesExercise ScienceTesting and EvaluationOvertrainingoverreachinghow to avoid overtrainingdetrainingovertraining syndrome