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(244 found)

Benefits and Risks of Caffeine Ingestion for Anaerobic-Dominant Athletes

December 2, 2022

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to present a brief review of research on the safety and efficacy of caffeine used by athletes participating in anaerobic-dominant sports.

Coaches Nutrition Caffeine Power Pre-Workout Anaerobic Performance

A Practical Guide to Workload Management and Injury Prevention in College and High School Sports

August 29, 2016


Managing workload and optimizing athlete performance while promoting injury-free participation is simplified using the eight tips in this article.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Injury Prevention Training Load Work Load management High School Athletes College Athletes Training Volume hs-coaching

Enhancing Motor Learning with Sled Training

November 1, 2012


Sled exercises provide a training stimulus that closely mimics real-world physical demands of sports. This article provides examples of how to implement sled training into a program.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design personal trainer sled workouts power sled motor skills sled drag sled push prowler sled training

Online Training – Recommendations for Improving Fitness in Athletes and General Population

February 19, 2021

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In this article, personal trainers and strength and conditioning coaches will learn how Football Club of Mumbaikars has worked to maintain and even improved the fitness profile of its athletes using this online training protocol, and provide a template for how to apply this protocol to the general population.

Personal trainers Program design Muscular Endurance Anaerobic Capacity Pandemic Psychological Preparedness Online Training

Why Coaches Need to Know About Wellness

January 11, 2017

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Youth practitioners need to be aware of the competing demands on young athletes’ lives in order to help them effectively balance these demands. Wellness provides a reference point that can be used to better understand the competing demands placed on youngsters by identifying the six dimensions of wellness.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design wellness strength and conditioning youth training hs-coaching

Kids Must Strength Train – A Call to Action

November 6, 2020

Article Members Only

This article discusses the impact and importance of resistance training with kids on their mental and physiological health and well-being.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Resistance Training Youth Athleticism SAID Principle Motor Development

Case Study: 3 Smart Questions Every Concerned Parent of a Teen Athlete Should Ask


The proper age-specific program may improve your teenager’s sports performance and reduce their risk of injuries.

NSCA Position Statement on Long-Term Athletic Development

June 1, 2017


The official position statement of the NSCA on long-term athletic development.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design LTAD long-term athletic development youth training youth sports physical literacy youth physical development

Is Live High/Train Low the Ultimate Endurance Training Model?

January 1, 2013


Live high/train low: what changes can be expected, what dose is required, and is it preferable to other training models for improving performance in endurance sports such as running, swimming, and cycling?

Coaches Exercise Science Program design hypoxia altitude acclimatization altitude training altitude; endurance training train high live low train low Live high

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