This article discusses the ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) scales and how to educate older clients to utilize them, as well as how to monitor and safely progress their training intensity.
Personal trainersProgram designRPEAging PopulationExertionExercise IntensityBorg
Battling rope exercises can be used as a metabolic training modality following a comprehensive resistance training workout to increase the client’s heart rate and help maximize the metabolic cost of the training session.
Read the latest happenings with the NSCA. Stay up-to-date on the latest announcements and developments with the NSCA by browsing our recent press releases and archives.
With the rapid development of technology, the daily demands for physical activity are significantly reduced. This article details four distinct phases for personal trainers to implement when working with clients coming from sedentary lifestyles.
Personal trainersProgram designClient Consultation|AssessmentBasic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or DiseaseLifestyle ChangeSedentary ClientNon-Exercise-Based Physical Activity
The purpose of this article is to compare the effects of quarter, parallel, and full depth squats on muscle activity, joint stress, athletic abilities, and potential injury risks for the consideration of all strength and conditioning professionals.