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(659 found)

Good Fats and Proteins for Youth Athletes

May 1, 2015


Dr. Lonnie Lowery spoke at the NSCA's 2012 Coaches Conference on the benefits of good fats and proteins for youth athletes.

Coaches Nutrition residual training Alex Zalaiskalns 2012-Coaches-Conference hs-coaching fat protein macronutrients

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 48: Bert Sorin


Bert Sorin, President and Co-Owner of Sorinex Exercise Equipment, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about Bert Sorin’s upbringing and his experience being a collegiate athlete, how Sorinex is contributing to the field, and how TSAC is continuing to grow and improve.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development

Why Youth Strength and Conditioning Matters

June 1, 2017


Providing a safe and effective youth strength and conditioning program is only the foundation of their long-term athletic development.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Youth Training Srength and Conditioning Coaching LTAD Athletic Development

Bridge: The Pull-Up – Technique and Variations

May 1, 2015


This video demonstrates some of the basic technique and variations of the pull-up.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique exercise technique pull-up how to do a pull-up hs-coaching

Sled-Push Load-Velocity Profiling and Implications for Sprint Training Prescription in Young Athletes

May 8, 2020


This infographic highlights the use of an individualized load-velocity method to prescribe sled-push loads in young athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Infographics Sled-Push Sprinting Load-Velocity Youth Athletes hs-coaching

A Coach’s Dozen: An Update on Building Healthy, Strong, and Resilient Young Athletes

October 1, 2018


The “coach’s dozen” is a collection of 12 principles that will help youth coaches, physical education teachers, and pediatric exercise specialists maintain inclusive, sustainable, and enjoyable participation in exercise and sport.

Coaches Program design Youth Athlete Youth Training LTAD Long term athletic Development hs-coaching infographics

Examining the Efficacy of Common Fitness and Movement Tests—Personal Perspective

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

In the push for personal training sales, many gyms will use assessment protocols as a way to prove to clients that they can indeed benefit from personal training. This article examines the merits behind this concept.

Personal trainers Program design Testing and Evaluation PTQ Personal Training exercise assessment sales tactics

Skill-Based Key Performance Indicators

November 3, 2023


This brief excerpt from NSCA’s Essentials of Sport Science discusses skill-based key performance indicators (KPIs).

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Testing and Evaluation Professional Development Key Performance Indicators Gymnastics Fencing Biomechanical

"Get Up and Go" Drill for Rugby Players

May 1, 2017


The aim of the get up and go drill for rugby players is to develop the ability to accelerate from a low body position, which is especially important when accelerating into a potential contact situation.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique rugby training for rugby agility drills for rugby

High School Athletic Directors’ Resources


Resources for High School Athletic Directors and Administrators who are interested in adding a strength and conditioning position to their school or improving their existing strength and conditioning program. Includes tools for creating a position and evaluating your existing program, as well as information for parents.

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