This article details an example assessment battery that could be used to measure the relative health and fitness of community service officers (CSO) within the context of similar populations.
TSAC FacilitatorsTesting and EvaluationFitness AssessmentIllinois Agility TestDummy DragGrip Strength
This excerpt from Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training, Third Edition goes over the technique and execution in each phase of the push jerk.
CoachesExercise TechniquePush JerkWeightliftingOlympic WeightliftingPower Development
This article will detail example resistance training and aerobic conditioning sessions that could be used by a female recruit in the lead-up to their academy program.
TSAC FacilitatorsProgram designLaw Enforcement RecruitsRPE ScaleTactical Strength and Conditioning
Linemen often do not get the same attention of the skill positions like a quarterback or wide receiver. However offensive and defensive linemen can control much of a football games tempo and outcome. This article goes over key areas to develop a well-rounded program for football linemen.
CoachesExercise TechniqueProgram designFootballLinemenhs-coachingProgramming for Linemen
Olympic-style lifting, functional training, powerlifting, and bodybuilding should all be considered when designing a program to improve general health, fitness, and functional capacity.
Personal trainersExercise ScienceExercise TechniqueProgram designstrength training techniquehow to get strongerbodybuildingpowerliftingweightliftingBest strength training
Abstract submissions are open yearly from November to March (exact dates change annually). See the Abstract Submission and Presentation Guidelines for more information (below). Research abstract presentations are an opportunity to present current research findings to researchers and strength and conditioning professionals at the NSCA National Conference.
This article examines why the Romanian deadlift (RDL) provides a suitable in-season strength training application, explores the interlinked relationship between the demands of practice and resistance training, and identifies how the RDL functions with other lower-extremity exercises.
CoachesProgram designRDLIn-SeasonResistance TrainingVariationRange of Motion
This article is part of a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.
TSAC FacilitatorsExercise ScienceTesting and EvaluationState Patrol OfficersSoldierFirefightersAcademyFitnessNormative DataOccupational Task
This article is part of a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.
TSAC FacilitatorsExercise ScienceProgram designTesting and EvaluationVO2maxBody CompositionStructural FirefightersPolice OfficersLoad Carriage