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NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 67: Andrea Hudy


Andrea Hudy, now the Head Men’s Basketball Strength and Conditioning Coach for the University of Texas, talks to the former NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about how she got into strength and conditioning. Topics under discussion include the collaborative efforts of the sports medicine team and doctors during her time at the University of Kansas, how she was hired, writing her book and continuing her education, and the value of hosting clinics. Find Andrea on Twitter: @A_Hudy

Coaches Professional Development

In-Season Training for High School 100-m Sprinters

February 29, 2020

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This NSCA Coach article focuses on the in-season resistance training and mobility exercises designed for the 100-m sprint track and field high school athlete.

Coaches Program design Sprinting High School Athlete Program Design Vertical Jump hs-coaching

Emily Schilling - NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 7 Episode 12


In this episode, we learn from Emily Schilling, an Associate Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Illinois Fighting Illini Volleyball team. She shares her needs analysis for the growing sport of volleyball with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, including thoughts for training team sports, different positions on the court, and the progression from first-year students through graduation. Another important topic covered is the professional pathways strength and conditioning coaches take to gain meaningful early-career coaching experiences and pursue higher-level director roles. Hear about beyond the weightroom demands placed on college student-athletes today, and how National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) “Name, Image, Likeness” (NIL) policies are a topic that strength and conditioning coaches should learn about. You can connect with Emily via email at | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

The Future of Personal Training: Where is the Industry Headed?

In this article, renowned fitness expert Brandi Binkley provides an overview of the personal training industry; including where it was, where it is, and where it is going.

Personal trainers Professional Development Personal Training Personal Trainer Certification personal training online

A Quarterback-Specific Movement Program

April 1, 2019

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The football quarterback (QB) is a unique position in sport. To throw or pass the ball, the QB needs to incorporate nearly every muscle in the body in a very precise sequence to optimally release the ball with the right amount of power, spin, and precision. Specific movement patterns are suggested to optimize the performance of a QB.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Quarterback Football Movement Specificity Movement Programming

Quadrathlon – A Test to Measure Improvements in Athletes

October 7, 2022

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This article explains the quadrathlon and how it can help strength coaches measure linear speed, speed-strength (power), and elastic or reactive qualities efficiently.

Coaches Testing and Evaluation Testing Quadrathlon Power Speed Sprint Jump

4 Keys to Delivering an Unforgettable Experience

December 3, 2018

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Creating life changing experiences takes time and does not often happen overnight. Sometimes it can be one mind-blowing experience but more often than not it is a series of great experiences delivered over a period of time that leads clients to settle on a fitness home and become raving fans.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development Fitness Industry Personal Training Business

The Role of Exercise in Anxiety and Depression: Background and Practical Considerations

June 1, 2017


Evidence suggests a positive relationship between physical activity, exercise, and mental health. Exercise as a treatment modality is now being considered alongside psychotherapeutic and pharmacological approaches, and the role of specifically trained exercise specialists and personal trainers is an important component of the multi-disciplinary team.

Personal trainers Exercise Science PTQ psychology depression

Are the Seated Leg Extension, Leg Curl, and Adduction Machine Exercises Non-Functional or Risky?

June 1, 2017


This article highlights the scientific evidence on exercises like the seated leg extension, leg curl, and adduction machines to highlight their potential benefits on enhanced performance and potentially reducing injury risk.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Safety PTQ injury risk seated leg extension seated leg curl adduction machine personal training

Transferring Physical Conditioning Principles to Practice to Enhance Performance in Tactical Personnel

July 22, 2019

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This article provides methods used by tactical facilitators, related research articles, and professional interviews to demonstrate how physical conditioning facilitates the transition from practice to duty for service members, including law enforcement and fire and rescue personnel.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Tactical Physical Conditioning Law Enforcement Military

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