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(281 found)

Specificity and the Tactical Athlete

September 30, 2022


This article discusses using the principle of specificity as an important component in tactical training programs to enhance performance, decrease injuries, and improve functional longevity of a tactical athlete.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Tactical Athlete Movement Sleep Nutrition Training Load Specificity

The 8 Main Movement Patterns – A Programming Framework for Tactical Strength and Conditioning

July 2, 2021

Article Members Only

This article details the rationale for making the eight main movements the foundation of tactical strength and conditioning.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Movement Patterns Jumping Tactical Athlete Medicine Ball TSAC-F

Using LTAD to Program for a Middle School Athlete and a High School Athlete: Part 1—Generating an Athletic Profile

October 29, 2018


This article applies LTAD principles to guide the process of generating an athletic profile (part 1) and sample program design (part 2) for a middle school athlete and a high school athlete.

Coaches Program design LTAD Youth Athlete Youth Training Guidelines Athletic Development hs-coaching

Principle-Based Program Design—A Practical, Step-By-Step Guide

April 1, 2015

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Although most resources on program design review the foundational scientific principles of training, they often fail to provide practical strategies that strength and conditioning professionals need in order to apply these principles successfully. To help bridge the gap between science and application, this article provides a simple and practical, step-by-step system for applying the scientific principles of training into the program design process.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design strength and conditioning exercise science personal training program design

Load Carriage – Programming for Special Operations Forces

April 28, 2023


This narrative review will focus on the research related to tactical load carriage and on a program recommendation to maximize strength and endurance adaptations in Special Operations Forces (SOF).

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Special Operations Forces Load Carriage Stress Inoculation Training Readiness

Core Strength and Functionality with Loaded Carries

July 1, 2016

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What training approaches are efficient and effective at developing functionality and resiliency at the core? The answer lies within an intelligent, systemic, multi-method approach to training the core, including an eclectic set of training tools to individualize specific needs of athletes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design strength and conditioning Core training

Progressive Strategies for Teaching Fundamental Resistance Training Movement Patterns

August 4, 2023


This article provides the personal trainer with sample exercise progressions for teaching resistance training movement patterns along with practical strategies for instruction and reinforcement of proper technique.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Fundamentals Squat Hinge Movement Patterns Resistance Training

The FMS Hurdle Step

January 5, 2024


The second in a planned series to review essential considerations of each Functional Movement Screen (FMS) pattern, this article will examine the FMS hurdle step pattern in finer detail.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment FMS Hurdle Step Movement Screen Client Assessment

Resistance Exercise Programming—A Mixed-Training Approach

July 1, 2014

Article Members Only

Olympic-style lifting, functional training, powerlifting, and bodybuilding should all be considered when designing a program to improve general health, fitness, and functional capacity.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design strength training technique how to get stronger bodybuilding powerlifting weightlifting Best strength training

Elastic Bands – Resisted and Assisted?

August 4, 2023


This excerpt from Developing Power explains how to use bands for variable resistance training.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Variable Resistance Training Bands Stretch-Shortening Cycle

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