This book excerpt is an overview of the fundamentals to sprinting mechanics and technique. It also covers starting, acceleration, drive phase, recovery phase, and deceleration.
The VO2max test is the most effective measurement of the body’s ability to deliver and use oxygen for producing energy that can be used by the muscles. VO2max (i.e., maximum aerobic power) simply stands for the maximal volume of oxygen that can be used.
CoachesExercise ScienceTesting and EvaluationAerobic enduranceaerobic trainingendurance trainingstrength and conditioning
Factors such as the types of exercises used, the number of muscle groups trained per session, the structure of the program, and the client’s training status and overall fitness level dictate training frequency.
Personal trainersExercise ScienceExercise TechniqueProgram designTraining frequencyhow often should I lift weightsresistance trainingstrength trainingworkout plansworkout routines
Hydration, footwear, and exercise frequency are only a few of the essentials to safe participation in cardiovascular activity. Make sure to include all six essentials in your program to ensure safe participation.
Personal trainersCoachesExercise ScienceSafetyHydrationWarm-UpCool-DownBreathingExercise FrequencyClothingFootwear
This book excerpt describes field methods for assessing body composition that are portable and easy to use for assessment of several people in a short time period.
Personal trainersCoachesNutritionTesting and EvaluationClient Consultation|AssessmentBMIbody composition testbody compositionbody fat percentage testbody fat testingbody fat testBMI test
This excerpt from NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition discusses the research surrounding the timing of hydration and its impact on sport performance for those participating in aerobic endurance exercise.
Personal trainersCoachesNutritionHydrationElectrolyte BalanceAerobic EnduranceFluid BalanceDehydration