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(391 found)

Physical Training Considerations for Ice Hockey

July 1, 2013

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In order to effectively prepare an ice hockey player for the season, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the specific demands of the sport.

Coaches Program design demands of ice hockey sports training programs ice training

The Perception and Progression of the Female Athlete

June 1, 2017


Female athletes in the United States have made great progress in sports since Title IX was enacted in 1972. Despite the progress they have made, female athletes have yet to gain full recognition for their athleticism and their achievements. The purpose of this article is to break down the stigma female athletes have received over the years and shine light on the differences that make female athletes a reward to train.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration NSCA Coach female athletes strength and conditioning Title IX hs-coaching

An Applied Five-Week Off-Season Strength and Conditioning Program for Collegiate Female Volleyball

October 22, 2018

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This article provides a narrative of the effects of a five-week strength and conditioning program on collegiate female volleyball athletes and shows the potential benefits that may occur in lower-body performance.

Coaches Program design Volleyball Off Season Training Female Athletes

An Applied Five-Week Off-Season Strength and Conditioning Program for Collegiate Female Volleyball

October 29, 2018

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This article provides a narrative of the effects of a five-week strength and conditioning program on collegiate female volleyball athletes and shows the potential benefits that may occur in lower-body performance.

Coaches Program design Female Athletes Volleyball Off Season Training

A Closer Look at the 10 Pillars of LTAD: The Programming Pillars of LTAD for Strength and Conditioning Professionals – Part 1

January 7, 2022

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This article describes the long-term athletic development programming pillars and suggests practical applications for strength and conditioning practitioners.

Coaches Program design Professional Development LTAD Youth Athletes Wellbeing Technical Competency

NSCA’s Midwest Region


NSCA has a network of volunteer leaders who direct NSCA’s efforts at the state level. NSCA’s Midwest Regional Coordinator provides oversight and training to local state directors. Members in the Midwest Region can connect at local and regional events as well as on Facebook to others in this area.

The Evolution of Red and Infrared Light Therapy in Modern Times

June 7, 2024


The aim of this article is to share with strength and conditioning coaches how red light therapy has evolved from its early beginnings to contemporary times, as well as to address the many benefits for athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Red Light Therapy Sleep Endurance Inflammation Mental Health

CSCS Study Materials


The CSCS examination reflects the most current and accepted KSA standards within the health and fitness industries. Further, the examinations may be developed from references that may be in addition to resources listed below. NSCA materials survey important content area, but are not a comprehensive study of the Exercise Science.

Tactical Fitness Research, 2019

February 22, 2020

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This article briefly explores some current research that has important implications for improving the readiness and lethality of military personnel.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Energy Expenditure Body Mass Body Composition Sweat Rate TSAC-F

Why Strength and Conditioning Coaches Should Take Play Seriously

March 13, 2018

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Athletic performance can be enhanced through the use of implementing various unstructured, semi-structured, and structured play from the 12 types of play. These can be performed in the weight room, at a sports practice, or even at home.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design LTAD youth training play

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