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(290 found)

The Bilateral Deficit—Plausible Explanations and Solvents

November 1, 2014

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By adhering to the basic principles of training, including progressive overload, periodization, and a safe lifting environment, the bilateral deficit can be improved by the amalgamation of unilateral force production, maximal effort, and repeated effort training.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design strength and conditioning strength training bilateral deficit

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 26: Kevin Cronin


Kevin Cronin, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Colorado College, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about his career path, sources of quality information on social media, and the realities of working at a college that has both Division I and Division III sports.

Coaches Professional Development

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 28: Matt Nein


Matthew Nein, Head Sports Performance Coach for Salisbury University, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about receiving the NSCA Collegiate Strength Coach of the Year award, personal and program values, and mental toughness.

Coaches Professional Development

Anaerobic Training and Electromyography Studies

November 26, 2018


This Kinetic Select excerpt from the Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, Fourth Edition describes the results from electromyography (EMG) studies on the neural adaptations to anaerobic training.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science

Reporting Errors


This page contains instructions for reporting copyright violations as well as errors that may require retraction or correction.

Strongman Training for Youth

April 1, 2014

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Strength and conditioning coaches can safely and effectively integrate strongman training into youth strength and conditioning programs by following established programming guidelines and available research recommendations.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design LTAD strength and conditioning exercise strength and conditioning youth strength training strongman training

The 8 Main Movement Patterns – A Programming Framework for Tactical Strength and Conditioning

July 2, 2021

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This article details the rationale for making the eight main movements the foundation of tactical strength and conditioning.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Movement Patterns Jumping Tactical Athlete Medicine Ball TSAC-F

Bill DeLongis | Exploring the Sport of Ice Hockey


In the "SEC of Division III," championships and high standards define the New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC). Now in his 10th year at Trinity College, Bill DeLongis reinforces high performance is not about scholarships — it’s about culture, strategy, and buy-in. DeLongis outlines how small-school strength coaches manage high athlete-to-staff ratios, maximize resources, and create top-tier training environments despite fewer external incentives. He discusses Trinity College’s sport science partnerships, the power of internship-driven staffing, and why Division III athletes who are playing purely for the love of the game bring a unique level of motivation. Embodying immersive coaching, he explains how experiencing a sport firsthand (through playing, site visits, and athlete surveys) enhances training specificity and buy-in. As Chair of the NSCA Ice Hockey Special Interest Group (SIG), he shares strength strategies, lessons from Team USA Women’s Hockey, and key NSCA resources. His approach proves that any program can compete at the top — with or without scholarships. Connect with Coach DeLongis on Instagram: @billdelongis, LinkedIn: @bill-delongis, or email: bill.delongis@trincoll.edu| Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs and LinkedIn: @ericmcmahoncscs Join DeLongis and other experts across sports and performance domains in the NSCA’s community-driven Special Interest Groups (SIGs) today. Take your sport-specific knowledge a step further with NSCA’s Strength Training for Hockey.

Coaches Professional Development


Abstract submissions are open yearly from November to March (exact dates change annually). See the Abstract Submission and Presentation Guidelines for more information (below). Research abstract presentations are an opportunity to present current research findings to researchers and strength and conditioning professionals at the NSCA National Conference.

Boots on the Ground: Strength and Conditioning in the United States Army – Lessons Learned from a Year Coaching Infantrymen

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John Mata writes about his experience as a Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitator® (TSAC-F®) and his opportunity to be part of a pilot program directed by United States Army Forces Command (FORSCOM).

TSAC Facilitators Program design Organization and Administration TSAC Facilitator Army Tactical Strength and Conditioning

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