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Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 12:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.

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CPSS Scope of Practice


The Certified Performance and Sport Scientist (CPSS) is a practitioner with training and applied experiences across the scientific disciplines applicable to sport science and athletic performance (i.e., generalist) or predominantly within a select few (i.e., specialist). These scientific disciplines, as related to sports performance, include, but are not limited to: biomechanics, data science, nutrition, physiology, psychology, research methods, and strength and conditioning. A CPSS demonstrates competency in the application of scientific disciplines, assessment, training theory and process, needs analysis, monitoring, communication, and education with the primary goal of safely and effectively improving athletic performance.

SIG Application


Each NSCA SIG has an executive council composed of a chair and at least two members. Applications are accepted from October 1 to December or January 15 annually. Check back during the application window for information on open positions.

PDG Application


Grow as a professional and connect with peers by applying to serve on a NSCA Professional Development Group. Applications are accepted from October 1 to December or January 15 annually. Check back during the application window for information on open positions.

Membership Overview


Connect with the best strength and conditioning content as well as thousands of professionals and begin growing your career opportunities today! Members annually receive more than 500 peer-reviewed articles and have access to more than 350 member-only lecture and demonstration videos.

Zercher Squat: Field Alternative for Front Squat

March 19, 2021


This exercise technique excerpt demonstrates the Zercher squat as a possible alternative and more field-specific squat for tactical athletes.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Zercher Squat Exercise Technique Front Squat

About NSCA


The NSCA is a nonprofit association dedicated to advancing strength, conditioning, & related sport science professions.

How to be an Evidence-Based Fitness Professional

May 20, 2019

Article Members Only

This article describes how introduction of evidence-based practices requires today’s fitness professional to raise the bar of his or her education and analytical experience by actively and consistently using techniques of research in order to perform their job as a fitness professional.

Personal trainers Program design Organization and Administration Professional Development Evidence-based Practices Research Analytics

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 12: Katie Fowler


Katie Fowler, from the University of South Carolina, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about being part of a National Championship team/culture, successful intern qualities, being a female strength and conditioning coach in a male dominated profession, and the influence of data in strength and conditioning.

Coaches Professional Development

#NSCAStrong #NSCAStrong

Welcome! I’m DASH, your virtual guide to the NSCA. Whether you need help with certifications, CEUs, events, or professional resources, I’ve got your back. What can I help you with today?

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