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(293 found)

Sedentariness, Deconditioning, and Practical Considerations for Personal Trainers

January 28, 2019

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This article summarizes current populations and descriptions of sedentariness and deconditioning, and offers practical considerations for personal trainers working with these behaviors.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Deconditioning Sedentary Clients Sedentariness Client Behaviors

A Personal Trainer’s Guide to the Aspiring Bodybuilder

March 8, 2024

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This article will discuss the balance between what an aspiring bodybuilder may expect from a personal trainer, what a personal trainer is able to provide, and how a personal trainer can be a valuable asset towards the aspiring bodybuilder’s development.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Body Building Protein Personal Trainer Physique Hormones

Benefits of Exercise during Pregnancy

April 24, 2020


This excerpt briefly explains the benefits of exercise while pregnant.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Pregnancy Pelvic Floor Muscles Prenatal Exercise Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Correcting Misconceptions in the Knowledge of Personal Trainers

May 29, 2020

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The aim of this article is to review the research into the knowledge of personal trainers, their misconceptions, and to provide evidence-based strategies to help correct any misconceptions.

Personal trainers Professional Development Critical Thinking Personal Trainers Professional Development

A Coach and Trainer’s Challenge – Individual Variables in Health, Fitness, and Nutrition

March 11, 2019


There are many factors, both personal and environmental, that play a role in the success of a training and diet program for an individual client. This article looks at the factors to be aware of and some solutions to finding the best fit program for an individual client.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Health Fitness Nutrition Client Success

The Effects of Alcohol on Athletic Performance

June 1, 2017


The effects of alcohol on athletic performance vary depending on quantity, demographics, and type of exercise, making it difficult to determine specific recommendations. From an athletic performance standpoint, the acute use of alcohol can influence motor skills, hydration status, aerobic performance, as well as aspects of the recovery process.

Coaches Nutrition alcohol sports nutrition dietary recommendations strength and conditioning NSCA Coach

Eccentric and Movement-Specific Training for the Aging Racquetball Player

June 1, 2017

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Racquetball consists of various movements and has different training styles and techniques that target particular skills that can affect an aging player’s performance. The drills in this article are designed to strengthen and coordinate the lower extremity muscle groups for the aging racquetball player.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design NSCA Coach Racquetball strength and conditioning mature athletes

Specificity and the Tactical Athlete

September 30, 2022


This article discusses using the principle of specificity as an important component in tactical training programs to enhance performance, decrease injuries, and improve functional longevity of a tactical athlete.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Tactical Athlete Movement Sleep Nutrition Training Load Specificity

Core Programming: Trunk Movement Complexes

June 1, 2017


The exerciser with 8 to 12 months of training experience can begin to include exercise complexes that combine trunk movement patterns with multijoint movements. Single-plane and multiplane movements can be performed using both open- and closed-chain exercises.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design exercise complexes core training strength and conditioning multijoint movements

Teaching for Skill Acquisition in Fitness – Best Practices for Fitness Pedagogy

April 16, 2021

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The purpose of this article is to present pedagogical content knowledge to personal trainers aimed to enhance client performance and satisfaction.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Professional Development Skill Acquisition Observation Feedback Fitness Pedagogy

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