Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Specialist Award

Recognizing sports medicine professionals and their important connection to the strength and conditioning field, the Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Specialist Award is given to a licensed sports medicine professional whose work has significantly impacted their field.

Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Specialist Award Eligibility

Each nominee will be asked to fill out a criteria sheet that details career accomplishments and contributions to the personal training industry.

The criteria sheet assigns points to a variety of professional achievements, letters of recommendation, volunteer involvement with the NSCA, and other activities related to the personal training industry.

NSCA Members in good standing may nominate other NSCA Members or themselves.

Nominations are open August-December


Current NSCA Member for 2 consecutive years*
NSCA Certification
Licensure (AT, PT, MD, DO, DC)
Cover letter, resume or CV, and criteria worksheet received
Award Not Previously Received

*Consecutive membership is counted back from the date the award is to be conferred.

Additional requirements listed in the General Awards Criteria, include but not limted to, nominee must be nominated by a member in good standing and nominees will be sent a criteria sheet to fill out that must be returned before the required deadline. 

How are Awardees are Selected for the Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Specialist Award

Gathering Nominations
Nominations are gathered August–December each year. Any nomination received before the established deadline will be accepted for review of eligibility. Nominees will be notified of their nomination along with a request to complete the award criteria sheet.
Eligibility Verification and Points Tally
NSCA Headquarters will verify eligibility and minimum category requirements have been met. The overall points for each nominees will be tallied, and qualified nominees will be notified.
Voting by Industry Leadership
The top three nominees based on overall points will be sent to the Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Special Interest Group Chair. The voting group will be determined based on the following: 
        1. If none of the nominees are part of the group’s current Executive Council, the Chair will submit the nominees to the Council for vote. The Chair may participate in this vote.
        2. If members of the Council have been nominated and rank in the top three, the Chair will create an impartial Task Force of five to vote on the winner. The Task Force will be comprised of >50% Chair-selected NSCA members and <50% past award winners. The Chair may not participate in this vote.
        3. If the Chair is a nominee, the top three nominees will be submitted to the Membership Committee Chair for committee vote.
Awardee Notification
1. The Chair will notify NSCA Headquarters and the Awards and Honors Committee Chair of the selected recipient. 
2. The Awards and Honors Committee Chair will notify the NSCA Board of Directors of the recipient.
3. The NSCA Headquarters will notify the recipient of the award, send regret notifications, create a Press Release announcement of the winner, and verify attendance at the National Conference awards banquet
If there are no qualifying nominees, the award will not be given.

Award Timeline

August – nominations open

December – nominations close and nominees are contacted to submit award requirements

February – nominees are required to have all materials submitted and NSCA staff will evaluate that eligibility requirements have been met before submitting to the Committee, SIG, or Task Force.

April – Committee, SIG, or Task Force should vote and decide the winner and will submit the winners name to the National Office.

April – notifications to nominees will be sent by the National Office and press announcements will be coordinated

July – Award conferred at the National Conference Awards Banquet

PAST Sports Medicine/Rehabililtation Specialist Recipients

Congratulations 2024 Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Specialist Award Winner

Helen Binkley, PhD, ATC, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, FNSCA

Dr. Helen Binkley is an Associate Professor and Director of the Undergraduate Athletic Training Program at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN. She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Physical Education from the University of Delaware and her PhD in Physical Education from Temple University. Binkley’s areas of expertise include aquatic research, strength training and conditioning, and emergency response in athletic training. She has authored and co-authored numerous abstracts, texts, and manuscripts, in addition to presenting at local and national events. She has held numerous volunteer positions with the National Strength and Conditioning Association and previously sat on the Board of Directors (2004-2007). She holds the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and NSCA Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) certifications and is a Fellow of the NSCA.

Read the press release

2023 Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Specialist Awardee

2023 Winner

Scot Morrison, DPT, PT, CSCS

2022 Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Specialist Awardee

2022 Winner

Abby Smith-Ryan, Ph.D., CSCS*D, FNSCA

2020 Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Awardee

2020 Winner

Ben Reuter, PhD, ATC, CSCS*D

2019 - William J. Hanney, DPT, PhD, ATC, CSCS
2018 - Daniel Lorenz, DPT, PT, ATC/L, CSCS
2017 - Bill Holcomb, PhD, ATC, LAT, CSCS,*D, FNATA, FNSCA
2016 - Robert Panariello, MS, PT, ATC, CSCS
2015 - Arianne Missimer, DPT, RD, FMS, RKC, TPI, CSCS
2014 - Morey Kolber, PT, PhD, OCS, Cert. MDT, CSCS
2013 - Terry Grindstaff, PhD, PT, ATC, SCS, CSCS,*D
2012 - John P. McCarthy, PhD, CSCS,*D, FNSCA
2011 - Greg Myer, PhD, CSCS
2010 - Scott E. Lawrance, CSCS
2009 - Danny McMillian, DPT, CSCS
2008 - Jaynie Bjornaraa, PhD, MPH, PT, CSCS,*D
2007 - Dan Wathen, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, FNSCA
2005 - David Potach, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D
2004 - Jeff Falkel, CSCS,*D
2003 - Todd Ellenbecker, CSCS
2002 - Jeff Fahrenbruch, MPT, CSCS,*D
2001 - Donald Chu, PhD

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