How Volunteering Benefits Your Professional Growth

By Scott Douglas, Sr. Director of Membership and Business Development

We often emphasize how volunteer service benefits an organization. Let's flip the coin and ask what are the "self-serving" reasons an NSCA member might have for serving on a committee, special interest group, locally, or on NSCA's Board of Directors? We asked some of our members, and below are their responses and recommendations.

What led you to the decision to get involved at the NSCA?

Randy: "I started serving as a state director in Oregon as a way to get connected with other strength coaches in my area."

Pablo: "My mentor at the time told me to get involved through the journal article review process."

Renée: "I was looking for affordable continuing education, and volunteering at the local level meant free clinic access and CEUs for my volunteer service."

What have you learned through your volunteer work?

Renée: "I've learned that the NSCA is really driven by member feedback and engagement and that I can impact the organization's future direction."

Pablo: "I've learned that I can accomplish a lot more professionally than I originally thought."

Don: "I've learned that NSCA members are very approachable, and that's given me a sense of pride in my profession and a desire to give back."

How have you benefited professionally through your volunteer work?

Don: "My volunteer work has definitely put me on the map with other influential NSCA members. This didn't happen overnight but progressed over time."

Randy: "My professional network broadened significantly, from local to national to international."

Pablo: "Jobs in our field these days require more than a certification and basic job experience. Many employers are looking for volunteer service, and that's opened doors for me."

What's one piece of advice you'd give to an NSCA member who is considering volunteering?

Randy: "Don't be afraid to engage. Great things happen to those who take small risks to try new experiences like volunteer service."

Pablo: "Volunteering will absolutely help you move forward professionally, so do it for your own growth."

Renée: "Take that first step and fill out an application. Whether it's working at the local level, volunteering with a special interest group, or serving on a committee, go where your passion leads."

Don: "Volunteer your time, and also volunteer your ideas. Get your ideas down in an article or an outline for a clinic lecture. Doors will open sooner rather than later."

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