Rocky Mountain Regional Conference

Learn, participate and network with colleagues while earning CEUs. Hosted by the state/provincial directors and regional coordinators, this local event brings cutting-edge research and application to your backyard.

May 03, 2025 | South Salt Lake, UT | 0.7 CEUs Category A


Salt Lake Community College - LAC
4600 S Redwood Rd
South Salt Lake, UT 84119

Hosted by:
Ryan Carver, CSCS


Event Itinerary - Saturday, May 3
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Check-in & On-site Registration / Networking Breakfast / Welcome / Ice Breaker
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Creating Stimulating Training Sessions When Given Minimal Resources
by Jeremiah Welch, MS, CSCS
  • Understand the rationale behind minimalist training
  • Performing minimalist exercises and learning how to coach them
  • Participating in a team training environment that covers cognitive and group based dynamics
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Self Determination Theory - A Practical Guide to Developing Intrinsic Motivation!
by Parker Teagle, MS, CSCS
  • Know the differences between intrinsic & extrinsic motivation
  • Know the postive and negative consequenses of each motivation strategy
  • Know how Competence, Autonomy, and Relatedness impact motivation
  • Know how to address each aspect within your own coaching practice
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Appropriate Use of Safety Squat Barbell Variations to Develop Lower-Body Strength and Power
by Marcus Lawrence, PhD, CSCS
  • Participants will learn what the latest research says about how safety squat bar (SSB) back squats compare regular barbell squats for developing strength and power
  • Participants will learn how to properly perform and teach several different SSB squat variations, including the standard SSB squat, hands-free SSB squat, Hatfield squat, and Anderson SSB squat
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Heart Rate Variability: Applications in Strength and Conditioning
by Jennifer Addleman, CSCS
  • Understand the basics of heart rate variability (HRV), including how it is measured, factors that can influence it, and its relationship to health and athletic performance
  • Learn how to incorporate HRV monitoring into strength and conditioning programs to optimize training and improve athlete performance while minimizing the risk of overtraining
  • Gain knowledge of the latest research findings on HRV and its implications for cardiovascular disease, stress, and sleep quality, as well as the practical applications of this research for athlete health and performance

Sponsored by Hammer Strength

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Art and Science of Mentorship
by Joseph Sudimack IV, MS, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D
  • Explain the significance of mentorship
  • Provide a clear definition of mentorship based on current literature
  • Explore the role of mentorship in fostering professional growth and development
  • Identify effective strategies for finding a mentor and becoming a mentor
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Lunch (provided) / Poster Presentations
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Speed, Agility, and Quickness Training: A Universal Framework for Tactical, Athletic, and General Populations
by Cody Lockling, MS, CSCS

Speed, agility, and quickness (SAQ) training is a critical component for performance enhancement across various populations, including tactical professionals, athletes, and the general population. This presentation introduces a structured framework to develop SAQ capabilities in a progressive and adaptable manner. We will explore three key pillars: Core Stability, Dynamic Stability, and Reactive Agility, each supported by practical training methods. Attendees will gain insights into integrating SAQ drills efficiently to improve movement efficiency, injury resilience, and overall performance, regardless of their background.

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Muscle Activation & Recovery with Self-Massage Myofascial Release Techniques
by Cammy Adair
  • Experience self-myofascial release (SFMR) using Yoga Tune Up massage therapy balls, the “gold standard” in self massage tools
  • Learn why muscle activation is increased when releasing chronically tight tissues, resulting in improved muscle force production
  • Understand, by experience, the down regulation of the nervous system when using self-massage techniques
  • Discern the difference in your own tissues between supple vs. stiffened fascia and why motion and friction restore the fluidity in these tissues, resulting in decreased pain and tightness and improved mobility
  • Utilizing therapy balls to reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) by increasing blood flow to the tissues and releasing lactic acid and other metabolic waste products
  • Experience the benefits of using a soft touch tool vs. an unyielding, hard tool
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Professional Roundtable Panel Discussion
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Validity of Ultrasound for Estimating Body Fat Percentage
by Liz Cafferty, MS
  • Introduction to body fat percentage & overview of methods
  • Basic principles of ultrasound and comparison to other body composition methods
  • Discuss ultrasound equipment and procedure
  • Identify key factors that influence ultrasound measurements
  • Benefits/limitations of using ultrasound and practical application


Thru April 22 After April 22*
NSCA Member Rate $85 $120
Student Rate $40 $50
Non-Member Rate $105 $140

*If sufficient quantities are unavailable, onsite and late registrants may not receive lunch, t-shirt, etc. (if applicable).

Register online above or use our PDF registration form and email to


  • Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment

    National Strength and Conditioning Association is dedicated to providing a harassment-free and discrimination-free experience for everyone at NSCA events. NSCA seeks to provide an event environment in which diverse attendees may learn, network and enjoy the company of colleagues in a professional atmosphere. NSCA does not tolerate discrimination or harassment of attendees in any form.

    Policy & Procedures
  • Cancellation Policy

    All refund requests must be submitted in WRITING and should include the reason for cancellation. NO refunds will be accepted via phone. A 50% refund will be granted on or before the early registration date. NO REFUNDS will be given after the early registration date. 

    You can submit your request to:  

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Will I receive the speaker PowerPoint presentations?
    If they are available, you will receive them via email within 2 weeks after the event.

    Will I receive a Certificate of Attendance?
    Yes. A certificate will be emailed to you approximately 2 weeks after the event.

    How do I report my CEUs?
    The NSCA will automatically apply the CEUs to your NSCA Account. If you need to report CEUs elsewhere, you may use the Certificate of Attendance.

    Can anyone register for this event?
    Yes. Anyone who is interested in an NSCA Event can register.

    Do I need a Membership to register?
    No. You only need an NSCA Account to register. If you do not have one, you can create one for free.


Local events supported in part by:

Human Kinetics Logo
Human Kinetics Logo
Perform Better logo
Perform Better logo

Additional support provided by:

Hammer Strength logo
Hammer Strength logo
#NSCAStrong #NSCAStrong

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