2025 NSCA Euro Conference

Join us in one of the most modern facilities for health and sports science in Europe at the Technical University of Munich — the site of the 1972 Olympic Games.

March 14 - 16, 2025 | Munich, Germany


Learn from Successful Coaches and Mentors
Experience Strength and Conditioning latest findings from the world of science research as well as over 40 other coaches and speakers live.

Attractive Supporting Program
Discover networking, direct applications, intensive workshops, and hands-on demonstrations with exibitors for the latest knowledge to support clients, athletes, and patients.

Explore the Innovative Sports Campus of TUM
One of Germany's leading universities for research and teaching in natural sciences and engineering, Technical University of Munich (TUM) has made countless discoveries and inventions in over 150 years.

2025 NSCA Euro Conference
2025 NSCA Euro Conference

Take part in international networking with the global NSCA community at the 2025 NSCA Euro Conference. This new event offers an opportunity for international discourse on the science and application of strength and conditioning.

Discover keynotes fom leading scientists and lecturers, participate in workshops, and try out exibitors' latest products. 

Registration Pricing

Student Member €250
NSCA Member €320
Early Bird Price (Non-Member) €350
Non-Member €550

*Limit - 200 tickets at this price category, sale Ends October 31, 2024

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