Soccer Virtual Clinic

Elevate your soccer training game and learn how to help your athletes build strength and explosiveness at the 2020 NSCA Soccer Virtual Clinic! Whether you’re looking to learn how to improve movement patterns, or develop quickness in your athletes, the NSCA Soccer Virtual Clinic is an unmatched opportunity to learn coaching strategies for preparing your athletes to excel on the field.

September 18 - 19, 2020 | 0.6 CEUs Category A

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Soccer Virtual Clinic Banner



The NSCA wants to assure you that your health, safety and well-being is our highest priority. We have determined it best to hold the event online via Zoom. We will notify you by e-mail with more details. Please visit the link below for Zoom Instructions.

Registration will close September 17th, 12pm Mountain Time. 

Zoom - Instructions HERE

Hosted by:
Julian Sisman, MS, CSCS
Eric McMahon, MEd, CSCS, RSCC*D


Event Itinerary - Friday, September 18 - Eastern Time Zone
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Online Check-in
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM
Welcome & Introduction
by Julian Sisman, MS, CSCS and Eric McMahon, MEd, CSCS, RSCC*D
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Teaching Player Stress Management Strategies: Strength Coaches as the Front-Line “Psychologist”
by Julia Eyre, MSc, CSCS

• Understand the basics of the autonomic nervous system and its impact on performance
• Learn to teach preventative stress management skills from the weight room
• Improve awareness and capability for supporting athletes in mentally distressing situations

12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
Monitoring in Football
by Keynote: Ben Ashworth, MSc, ASCC (AC Sparta Prague)

• Understand why consistent monitoring of players is a better approach than pre-season screening alone
• Using of evidence to set-up and to apply monitoring for elite level soccer
• Be able to outline the different uses of force platform testing in soccer players

1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Sports Nutrition in Youth Athletes: Optimizing Performance and Recovery
by Stephanie Mull, MS, RD, CSSD, CSCS

• Understand how bioenergetic substrate utilization differs in youths and adults
• Explain ideal nutrient balance at meals and snacks for optimal fueling and recovery
• Discuss why maintaining hydration is important for performance, and how much water youth athletes need during exercise

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Lunch Break
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Making Your Time Count: Taking Advantage of Warm-Ups and Micro-Dosing
by Ben Hoffman, MEd, CSCS, SCCC

• Understand that time for in-season strength and conditioning is limited, so how do we combat this issue?
• Learn various warm-up strategies and areas to consider for injury risk reduction, mobility, and session-prep
• Introduce the concept of micro-dosing and how to incorporate various fitness qualities to minimize in-season training losses

4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Post-Injury Return to Running Progressions
by Sarah Leslie, MS, ATC, CSCS

• Provide specific and real-life examples of implementing a return to running rehabilitation program
• Develop standardized benchmarks and a written plan from "cleared to run" to full return to training
• Importance of maintaining athletic qualities during the transition into soccer-specific techniques

5:00 PM - 5:50 PM
Periodization: Optimal Planning for Physical Performance
by James Wagenschutz, MS, CSCS

• Designing training sessions based on periodization principles
• Provide an overview of different types of periodization in soccer
• Discuss different examples microcycles for youth, high school, college, and professional soccer players

5:50 PM - 6:00 PM
Closing Remarks
by Julian Sisman, MS, CSCS and Eric McMahon, MEd, CSCS, RSCC*D


Registration will close Thursday, September 17 at 12pm MT

Thru Sept 8 After Sept 8
NSCA Member Rate $65 $95
Student Rate $30 $40
Non-Member Rate $85 $115


  • Anti-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment
  • Cancellation Policy

    All cancellation and refund requests must be submitted in WRITING and should include the reason for cancellation. NO refunds will be accepted via phone.  

    A 50% refund will be granted on or before 9-8-20.
    NO REFUNDS will be given after 9-8-20

  • CEU Options

    The NSCA has many virtual options to help you in obtaining the necessary CEUs to recertify by December 31, 2020.  Please check the Virtual Events page for the most up to date opportunities. 

    View All NSCA CEUs
  • Exhibitors

    If you would like to participate in our virtual event as an exhibitor, please email for details.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    As a registered attendee, will I receive a recording of the event? 
    Yes. You will receive a recording approximately 1-2 weeks after the event to review anything you may have missed. You will have access for one year. 

    If I miss some of the event, will this affect my CEUs?
    No. You will receive a recording after the event to review anything you may have missed, therefore receiving the full Category A CEUs. 

    Will I receive a Certificate of Attendance? 
    Yes. A certificate will be emailed to you approximately 2 weeks after the event.

    How do I report my CEUs?
    The NSCA will automatically apply the CEUs to your NSCA Account. If you need to report CEUs elsewhere, you may use the Certificate of Attendance.

    Can anyone register for this event? 
    Yes. Anyone who is interested in an NSCA Event can register. 

    Do I need a Membership to register?
    No. You only need an NSCA Account to register. If you do not have one, you can create one for free.

  • Virtual Platform

    Zoom - Instructions HERE

    Please note you will receive details on how to join the day before the event.

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