Catherine Wallace - NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 7 Episode 18

by Eric McMahon, MEd, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D, RSCC*D and Catherine Wallace, MS, CSCS, TSAC-F, RSCC
Coaching Podcast January 2024


From tactical strength and conditioning to developing the skills to train a specialized group of football kickers, Catherine Wallace shares how growing up in a military family inspired her into coaching. In this episode, Wallace connects with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, on how to pursue a tactical coaching career in different branches of the military and public safety. She discusses how earning the Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitator® (TSAC-F®) certification led her to pursue the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®), and more ways that involvement with the NSCA has positioned her for career growth. There is also a discussion about “holistic programs” within strength and conditioning, an area that has been popularized, but is perhaps still misunderstood. Listen and learn about the rapidly growing tactical strength and conditioning area of the field, and the mindset needed to thrive as an impactful coach.

Connect with Catherine on Instagram at: or by email: | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Show Notes

“I would say, a big piece of advice if you are making that transition is take time to be a fly on the wall and observe and soak in the community and the area that you’re working within. That’s going to be helpful to build trust within your tactical athletes that are coming through.” 7:29

“The NSCA provides so much great content, opportunities to collaborate, to communicate, to grow yourself, and then, also, to grow other coaches.” 14:55

“You can have the best program in the world, but if it doesn’t match the person, if you don’t understand the intent, the why, the purpose behind it, you’re only scratching the surface.” 20:20

“Whether you want to take your service into the fitness field or strength conditioning or you’re looking to pour into whatever it is that you’re doing in the moment—whether that’s you’re working in corporate or you’re just looking to build within yourself or your own community—we tap into the importance and what defines a successful coach.” 23:59


[00:00:00.00] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:00:04.20] Welcome to the NSCA Coaching Podcast-- Season seven, episode 18.
[00:00:10.98] A big piece of advice, if you are making that transition, is take time to be a fly on the wall and observe and soak in the community and the area that you're working within. That's going to be helpful to build trust within your tactical athletes that are coming through.
[00:00:33.68] This is the NSCA's Coaching Podcast, where we talk to strength and conditioning coaches about what you really need to know, but probably didn't learn in school. There's strength and conditioning, and then there's everything else.
[00:00:44.76] This is the NSCA Coaching Podcast. I'm Eric McMahon. Today's episode is about tactical strength and conditioning. We're joined by Catherine Wallace, who's been working in the tactical strength and conditioning space for the Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force for a number of years and is now working on the coaching and education side of the profession. Catherine, thanks for being on.
[00:01:06.36] It's wonderful to be here. Thanks for having me.
[00:01:08.95] So what led you into strength and conditioning? And specifically, working in tactical?
[00:01:15.34] So what kind of got me started with in this field, I was a college athlete, ran track and field. And my older brother was a strength coach for quite some time. So love the sport, but found myself loving being in the weight room and kind of putting the puzzle pieces together when it came to training. So learning from my brother to begin with and kind of having him as just a great role model and leader within the field, knew that this was an area that I kind of wanted to dive into.
[00:01:44.11] I initially thought that I was going to go the education route. Growing up with a military family-- my father served for over 30 years. And almost every male on both sides of my family going back every generation has served in the military. So it's really been a close piece to my heart and a community that I've wanted to serve.
[00:02:06.76] So I grew up in the DOD system going to those schools. And I always thought I want to serve those that are serving, and so, how do I give back? And I would teach. But once I figured out that I could kind of turn my passions and hobbies into a career and serve that way, I really just fell in love with it and was like, I'm going to dive head first and see where we can go within the field.
[00:02:31.27] I like how you said turning your "passions and hobbies to a career." That resonated with me. I think, it'll resonate with a lot of our coaches out there who, we love the weight room. We wouldn't be in this profession if you didn't you love the training, aspect of sport, or whatever drives you into this profession. But we spend a lot of time in the weight room-- time under the bar-- that we can turn that into a profession is really meaningful for us. So it's really cool that you shared that.
[00:03:02.06] You have a military family. You grew up in it, around it, and now working in the tactical strength and conditioning space. Can you break down tactical strength and conditioning for our listeners who maybe work in other areas of the profession? What are the roles in tactical like? And where are some of the opportunities to break in?
[00:03:21.76] Absolutely. So this role, it's super unique. It's different. But it's probably-- I'm a little biased here-- I think, it's the most rewarding position you can have. You are serving just an endlessly thankful population that is just seeking your knowledge, your guidance, and they want to grow.
[00:03:42.19] Now, you're running into so many different pivoting positions and roles within the community. You have people coming in that need a wide variety of training, whether that's pre- and post-deployment work, or you're working just with a day-to-day-- day-to-day active duty person. So training aspects are always changing and shifting so it creates a world that forces you to be creative, adaptive, which I think is great. It's very challenging in its own ways, but I think, it's a really exciting process if you have that kind of open mindset into learning and growing.
[00:04:23.78] Myself not serving within the community, it's been great because it's forced me to get out of my shell and dive into, hey, what do you guys do? What is your role look like? What is your lifestyle? Let me learn from you so I can adapt and adjust and create something that works for you. Meeting that person where they are within their career, within their day-to-day.
[00:04:46.05] And so, it's a very humbling role in a lot of ways because, like I said, you're working with a community that is different, it's unique. But it's truly incredible because, like I said, it's a community that is super, super grateful. And it's interesting because I'm like, hey, I'm here to serve you, and they're like, nope. Like, we don't matter. We're here to get the job done.
[00:05:09.29] Whereas when you're working in college athletics or high school athletics, it's fairly structured. You kind of know the pre- and post-season work. You know how they need to perform and what they need to execute within.
[00:05:23.30] Whereas within the tactical world, you need to be 100% 24/7, 365, right? And it's like, how do we go about that when there's so many different stressors and different phases of life that are thrown at these guys?
[00:05:37.70] So like you said, from the coaching role, it can be overwhelming when you first step into this. And it's challenging. But the biggest piece is truly getting to know who you're working with, figuring out their why, and how you can create something that fits their mold and what they need. And that, I think, takes a lot of humility. It takes a lot of yourself out of the picture.
[00:06:04.26] But it all circles back to the people that work within tactical are there to serve others. They're there to give. And so, it's kind of just a different feel, which is something that I truly love. And it challenges you and builds you in so many different ways.
[00:06:19.51] You highlight a shift in mindset from the sport environment to the tactical environment of just, what the demands are and the expectations are. And from a coaching perspective, do you feel like tactical strength and conditioning is accessible for coaches coming in from the sports space? I know, you sort of represent that path coming in, but you had good background, knowing a little bit about the military from your family and things like that. Do you feel like for coaches that maybe come up in sport or different areas of sport that have interest in tactical, they can learn that and pursue maybe a career in tactical strength and conditioning?
[00:07:05.71] Absolutely. I think, the beauty, if you were to transition, is if you're working in athletics, you truly the X's and O's of strength and conditioning. You know how to plug and play, the reps and sets and stuff, which is truly, truly important to understand the science of that. Being able to apply that into a world that in so many ways is still kind of lacking that or the accessibility to that is huge.
[00:07:29.00] I would say, a big piece of advice if you are making that transition is take time to be a fly on the wall and observe and soak in the community and the area that you're working within. That's going to be helpful to build trust within your tactical athletes that are coming through.
[00:07:51.40] With you sometimes being a civilian, sometimes there's that little push like, "Eh, you can tell me what to do, but like, you don't know who I am." And so as a coach, it's like, "You're right. I have absolutely no idea who you are or what you're going through, so how do we meet in the middle?" and having those conversations.
[00:08:08.18] And it takes a lot of vulnerability, I think, within both the coach and the person that you're working with, but creating that atmosphere, creating that culture from the get go, and allowing that time to just absorb and soak in as to what they need, why they need it. And figuring out the individual or the team or the community's why and centering around that is where, I think, you'll be the most successful.
[00:08:34.11] And I think that can be really hard because you want to dive in. You're like, hey, I have all this experience as a coach. And I want to show you and tell you all these great things. But like, hold on. You got to pump the brakes just a bit and understand who you're working with first, before we start throwing stuff out at them.
[00:08:50.15] So I get the opportunity to go to tactical annual training with the NSCA. And one thing I really love about our tactical community is that we have professionals working in all areas of the tactical profession, not just military, but the public safety side, law enforcement, fire, rescue.
[00:09:11.03] On the military side, it feels like not all jobs are the same maybe from branch to branch, or you might be working with infantry or a more technical field that requires-- has different physical demands. Is there a strategy that you recommend for coaches getting into tactical or aspiring to work in tactical to really find where their niche is of where they can serve the profession best, just given the diversity and opportunity that exists?
[00:09:49.16] Yeah. There's-- I would say, doing your research and understanding the role and asking the right questions within any kind of opportunities that start to come up. If you're sitting through interviews, really asking what the needs are, and what the day-to-day looks like, and where you guys are progressing.
[00:10:08.00] If you're working with military, one, if you're looking to make change and progress, knowing that the government moves slow. And so having the patience, but also, the endurance to keep pushing the needle forward within that field or within whatever it is that you're trying to achieve is huge. But there were definitely some huge shifts and pivots working with these different branches.
[00:10:33.39] So working with the Marine Corps, it was a blessing and a curse to work with them first because they are-- like, the physical side of the Marine Corps is top tier. It is a huge, huge priority. And when it comes to the holistic approach to that, I would say that they're probably the furthest behind than other branches. And the Marine Corps is absolutely starting to work in that field, which is great to see, but that physical demand is always a top priority.
[00:11:01.54] So you hit the ground running as a strength coach there. I mean, you can tell Marines to do just about anything and they won't question it. You can say, hey, we're going to go crawl in the dirt and roll in the mud, and they're like OK, what do you have next?
[00:11:12.21] Whereas shifting over to the Air Force side, they are much more of a holistic approach. It's a little bit more of a corporate feel, especially if you're working with, let's say, like the operational support team. You're working with a psychologist, a physical therapist, and it's a little more clinical because you're falling under medical.
[00:11:32.07] So I made the mistake of coming in kind of with that same hard charging approach as I did with the Marine Corps and the airmen were like, whoa, time out. Like, this is different. And so it was not the Air Force's fault. It wasn't because they're less than or anything like that. It's just a very, very different mindset and approach to how we train and why training is important.
[00:11:57.55] And it really made me go back to my roots of like, OK, why are we here? Understand your community. Understand the purpose and intent behind why we're training and where this is going and understanding your audience.
[00:12:08.75] So every base has a different feel to it. So even if you're working with the Air Force-- I was up in Delaware. So there's a lot of cargo that is shipped in and out. A lot-- all the K-9 units for every branch go through Dover before they're deployed. So there's some smaller units out there, and they do different things. Whereas if you go to a different Air Force base like out in New Mexico, that's going to be a very different feel.
[00:12:34.19] So if you are looking, like, "what branch do I go with?", or "I don't know anything about this base or this area." Being able to ask those questions in any kind of an interview process and understanding, hey, am I working with the human performance team? Am I doing my own thing? Am I contracted? Am I in the GS world?
[00:12:51.31] They're all very different approaches. And so just asking the right questions. Doing your research before you just dive in and you're like, oh, this isn't what I thought it was at all, because that, I think, is typically, the most shocking factor to most people that transition in, or if they pivot to a different role.
[00:13:07.23] Sounds like there's a pretty good argument for not just learning your field in your role and what you do as a strength and conditioning coach-- you mentioned the physical approach versus the holistic approach-- but also learning your base or where you're stationed and the department you're going to be working with because there are some intangible differences from place to place and different areas of the field.
[00:13:30.28] I want to shift to your involvement with the NSCA. You were involved with the most recent TSAC-F certification, standard setting, and job task analysis. You've been actively involved with the NSCA pretty much since you became a member. What has the NSCA given you as a professional?
[00:13:51.34] So really, just a huge, huge foundation and community. It's been an incredible transition to go and step into this field. It can be super intimidating. And I fell into the role when I was about 23, so I was right out of college, and started kind of volunteering some time at some of the bases and working within the community. And was like, hey, what do I need to do to get hired? Like, how do I get into this? And everybody talked about the CSCS. And so I'm like, OK, I know I need to start getting into this a little bit more.
[00:14:26.03] But the first certification I ever received was my TSAC. And so being able to learn from that while applying it was great. But then once you start to get into that community and going to the conferences and talking with other coaches that are in that same position, it was like, holy cow. This is a cool group of people doing some cool stuff. And so, how do I pour into this?
[00:14:48.37] So not only just to give back to the community, but to also grow and develop. And so with that, eventually got my CSCS. So the NSCA just provide so much great content, opportunities to collaborate, to communicate, to grow yourself, and then, also, to grow other coaches. And so, to be able to get-- to be able to grow within yourself and then be able to give back to other people, it's just-- it's a really, really cool opportunity. And so the NSCA's great about balancing those two things.
[00:15:22.31] I love that. I love going to tactical every year. It's a different event for me, coming from the sports side. And one thing I pick up on really quick is how close-knit the tactical community is within the NSCA. I've had the-- first year I had to learn a lot of names and who's who and where they're working, and what they do and the acronyms, right? The military acronyms specifically. I mean, it's a different world. It's a different language.
[00:15:52.40] But the camaraderie and just feel of that event, it's really different than any other NSCA event. And I just love what the tactical community provides the NSCA. We have a great staff serving the tactical community, the professional development group.
[00:16:08.34] And so if you haven't-- to our listeners, if you haven't been to that event or haven't gotten involved or want to learn more, we'll definitely put some things into the show notes where you can engage with that.
[00:16:20.24] Catherine, I'm going to throw a real big curveball at you here. I saw in your bio that you do some work with college and professional placekickers?
[00:16:32.40] Yes. That is correct.
[00:16:34.59] That's a little different than your tactical community. How'd you find that niche?
[00:16:42.21] Yeah. It's definitely different. Usually when people see that on a resume or something, they're like, I'm sorry, what is this?
[00:16:47.91] So random fact. I was a placekicker in high school. My older brother was a kicker. He kicked in college, as well. And when he graduated from high school, I was coming in. And the coaches were like, hey, we don't have a kicker. Maybe it runs in your blood. And I was like, oh, good joke. And they're like, no, seriously, we need a kicker, and we think that you can do it. Like, OK?
[00:17:09.96] So started working under Paul Woodside-- great coach up in Northern Virginia, who worked with my brother. And he did these winter conditioning camps for everybody that was in the off season. And they were just, like, just pure chaos. Everybody's throwing up and just in misery at 6:00 AM in the winter.
[00:17:27.09] But it just-- I don't know. It was just a phenomenal opportunity and great, small group of people. And so, I was like, hey, I think, I'm going to start kicking.
[00:17:36.30] And so kicked all throughout high school and I even got recruited to kick in college. And it was-- I was like, nope. No. No, we're not going to go down that route.
[00:17:48.51] So with that, once I graduated from college, I was like, hey, how can I continue to help? Because there's just so many things that I learned from Woodside there. He's a great kicking coach, but he more so just will challenge you on the cognitive side and puts you in very stressful situations. And he's one of those coaches that you never really know what the heck he's talking about in the moment, but on the drive home, you're like, oh, OK. Everything clicks.
[00:18:13.62] So being exposed to that, I'm like, yeah, this is somebody I want to continue to work with. And so, I'm kind of like a traveling strength coach with that. So over summers, when he's doing small camps, or holidays if I'm-- I have family in the Northern Virginia area. So if I'm visiting with them, then I'll drop in.
[00:18:29.19] And we'll do some work, whether that's on the cognitive performance side of things or a lot of mobility or strength training movements and stuff like that. To the point where I've worked with some of their kickers, like, off to the side on their strength training abilities. And just being able to dive into that, so it's a really like unique group of people. So I've worked with like middle school all the way up to the professional level. And yeah, it's been really great.
[00:18:55.09] That's so interesting. And we don't hear that, a lot of coaches finding just a small niche group in the field. Even within a sport-- I mean, football, obviously, is a hotbed for strength and conditioning. I mean, the NSCA coaching audience, we were founded on football strength and conditioning in a lot of ways.
[00:19:16.97] But even within that sport, we know that place kickers, punters are often the overlooked group and definitely don't have the same physical demands as some of the other positions. But you highlight the importance of the cognitive demands and dealing with pressure. You mentioned before, the importance of understanding the holistic aspects on the tactical side.
[00:19:42.14] How do you feel about strength and conditioning coaches today needing to really understand these more cognitive or holistic approaches to training? Do you feel like this is an area we lack as a profession? Or are we making some progress there?
[00:19:59.26] Oh, I think, this field is making tremendous progress within the holistic approach. I think, the word holistic is kind of being butchered right now, and it's still considered as almost being a little soft.
[00:20:12.31] But there's so many different areas that if you were-- when I think of a successful and just phenomenal coach, I think of one that, it's not about the X's and O's. Like, that's great. You can have the best program in the world, but if it doesn't match the person, if you don't understand the intent, the why, the purpose behind it, you're only scratching the surface.
[00:20:37.97] So when we refer to that holistic approach, we are. We're talking about knowing the athlete, knowing the culture, how you change or shift the culture as needed. And again, understanding the why behind who you're working with, why you're working with them, where this is going and creating that relationship.
[00:20:56.38] When people talk about the most inspirational coaches they've ever had, it's not because they're like, man, they had me perform the best I ever could. It was-- that was probably an effect of the leadership, the communication, the relationship that was built behind the athlete and the coach. And then what that was able to expand into, and how you can pour into that.
[00:21:18.64] I love that. That holistic approach really comes through in your answer of how you embrace the work of our field, but also, the heart we have to have. The heart of the coach that we care about our athletes. We care about the soldiers we're working with. We care about-- really, we're citizens of our field, and we need to take that same give back mentality of the people, especially in the tactical space, that we're working with. So I love that.
[00:21:55.44] Well, there's that quote of your athletes and those around you don't care about how much you know, until they know about how much you care. And that, I think, is what-- that's what bridges the gap between athletes and coaches. And that's the culture and relationship that you have to strive for when you're starting anywhere. That's, my opinion, the absolute game changer within this field, whether you're working tactical or whether you're a personal training or working in athletics.
[00:22:25.60] Yeah. I love that. And it highlights, we are an NSCA community that is broad and diverse. We represent a lot of different areas of the profession. And there's a lot we can learn from each other, where one area of the field really may need to focus on some of these more holistic or cognitive aspects, whereas other areas of the field, it's still very focused on the physical. And usually, it's a little bit of somewhere in between depending on where you're at. So there's a lot of professionals out there you can dig into and get a lot of insight from. And that's what I love about being involved with the NSCA.
[00:23:05.18] Catherine, I want to ask you about your current role, University of Health and Performance. You do some coaching. You do some education. Who are you working with there?
[00:23:16.17] Yeah. So the University of Health and Performance, we're out in the Bentonville, Arkansas area here. And it is-- it's a school that's been set up or a program that's been set up for both active duty and veterans. So we run a plethora of courses. We have, what we refer to as, our CPT course, where you can come in, you spend three weeks on the ground with us, and we are building you as a certified personal trainer, but that's kind of just the surface level. We are tapping into how you become a true coach, what that looks like.
[00:23:59.13] Whether you want to take your service into the fitness field or strength conditioning or you're looking to pour into whatever it is that you're doing in the moment-- whether that's you're working in corporate or you're just looking to build within yourself or your own community-- we tap into the importance and what defines a successful coach.
[00:24:20.50] And so with that, it's, do you have a spouse? Do you have a friend? Are you in any kind of leadership position? If that's the case, you are absolutely, a coach because a coach has the opportunity to mentor and to be a positive experience for somebody else.
[00:24:36.34] And so with this course, we are building into communication skills, leadership abilities, goal-setting tactics, different areas like transition and adjust mindset for different opportunities. We look at daily intentions and just build off of all of these small things to really create a strong mindset moving forward, not only for yourself, but also, for those around you. So when you are coaching or in any kind of leadership position, you can pour into that and create success and create a positive experience.
[00:25:13.00] So when they're coming through, yeah, there's the physical side of things. We are teaching them how to coach on the floor. Going through the hands-on areas.
[00:25:22.54] We start each student out with they have a one-on-one coaching session and very basic movement patterns. And then it expands into right now, you're coaching for five minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and you're building on how many people you're running through different movement patterns. They get more advanced.
[00:25:38.39] So they're leaving our facility knowing how to work every piece of equipment there. They're understanding programming and how to implement it and how to work and shift and maneuver on the floor as a coach. But there's, also, the backside training of the mindset and the communication skills and diving into a value system. And for so many of our veterans and active duty, giving them the time and space to tap into that is super, super rare.
[00:26:07.36] We have found that especially with veterans, there is sometimes a shift in values or a loss in values when they take their uniform off because they're like I have been serving, I have been pouring into so many areas, and I don't know what to do. And so with that, UHP offers the opportunity to here's how you continue your service, whether you're in or out of uniform. And here's how you find your purpose and create a value system, not only for yourself, but set this tone moving forward, whether that's within your business, within your family, within your community. Whatever that looks like.
[00:26:45.02] So it's really tapping into, again, that holistic approach to yourself, your life, creating that foundation, and then how you continue to pour into that.
[00:26:56.18] So that was a really loaded question for our first CPT course, but we, also, have an integrated health coaching course that you can go through. And so that just expands even further on behavior change, goal-setting opportunities, and so many different areas as to how you become a board-certified health coach. UHP right now is the only in-person course where you can get certified through that.
[00:27:17.81] So really, really cool. Within that, we do some executive experiences where we take a lot of these same foundations and concepts and we apply them to different corporations. We've worked with a plethora of people from architects all the way up in New York City. We've had headquarters from GNC and Walmart come through and work with us.
[00:27:42.35] To tie into, again, that value system within yourself and how you pour that into your own business and create, whether that's a more successful year financially, within the team culture. And so there's a lot of different moving parts that we work with here. But it's unique, it's interesting, and we're rolling out all kinds of phenomenal opportunities.
[00:28:04.31] It's really interesting. And the voice of empowering veterans to maybe find a new why, essentially.
[00:28:13.83] Absolutely.
[00:28:14.36] And even from the sports side, I think of this as athletes get to the end of their playing career and it's harder for them to connect with, well, why do I-- why should I keep training? Or this has been my driving force for all these years. Even for some student athletes-- for many student athletes-- they aspire to pursue their sport maybe more than what they're studying in school. Whether that's good or bad, who knows?
[00:28:45.83] But it's empowering to see that on the military side, on the tactical side, but it really does apply across. It's that we can be these inspirational, skill development, life skill development coaches inherently through strength and conditioning, through personal training, through fitness. And we see the connection in values aligned between hard work and-- really, hard work in any environment, in the training environment, but also, how that goes into the corporate sector.
[00:29:24.59] So I think, that's really interesting. I think, it's telling of the growth of our field and just how great the professionals are we have now. Maybe we weren't as professional as an industry as we are today in years past, and it's nice to see that these major companies and brands would come to a NSCA-certified strength and conditioning coach to learn things when they're in some of these highly empowered, impactful roles in their companies. So it says a lot about where our profession is, where we're going.
[00:30:03.01] Catherine, I really appreciate you sharing your perspective with us today.
[00:30:07.42] Yeah, absolutely. Thank you, again, for allowing me to share this and just be able to chat through this and expand more with you. It's always great to collaborate with other coaches that are seeking and pursuing within this field.
[00:30:18.85] Awesome. So I'm sure some of our listeners want to reach out, connect with you. What's the best way to do that?
[00:30:26.50] So I try to be fairly active on social media, promoting kind of what we're doing out with our veterans and active duty. I also hate promoting my social media because that always feels kind of tacky. But no, Instagram is a great place to find me Or just shoot me an email,
[00:30:55.75] OK. We will add those to the show notes and make sure people can reach out connect with you however they'd like to. And it's OK with the Instagram. We live on the 'gram here with the NSCA Coaching Podcast so definitely not tacky. We live in this social media world here. And we want to get this out there. I think, it's going to be a great episode for our tactical community to be represented on the podcast.
[00:31:20.92] But we thank you. Thanks for being part of Tactical, our annual conference here. And just everything you do as a volunteer with the NSCA. We appreciate you.
[00:31:34.57] Absolutely. It's truly a blessing to be here. And hope to continue to pour in. Thank you.
[00:31:40.56] Awesome. That was Catherine Wallace-- University of Health and Performance. And this was an episode of the NSCA Coaching Podcast. We try to feature all areas of the NSCA here. And this episode really got into the tactical strength and conditioning community. Special thanks to Sorinex Exercise Equipment for being a regular sponsor on our podcast.
[00:32:05.30] Hi, coaches. This is Mike Caro-- long-time college strength and conditioning coach, now working on the tactical side of the profession. The NSCA Coaching Podcast brings highlights from all areas of our growing field to help you navigate your coaching path. Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts so that you don't miss an episode. Thanks for listening.
[00:32:22.22] [MUSIC PLAYING]
[00:32:24.52] This was the NSCA's Coaching Podcast. The National Strength and Conditioning Association was founded in 1978 by strength and conditioning coaches to share information, resources, and help advance the profession. Serving coaches for over 40 years, the NSCA is the trusted source for strength and conditioning professionals. Be sure to join us next time.

Reporting Errors: To report errors in a podcast episode requiring correction or clarification, email the editor at or write to NSCA, attn: Publications Dept., 1885 Bob Johnson Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80906. Your letter should be clearly marked as a letter of complaint. Please (a) identify in writing the precise factual errors in the published podcast episode (every false, factual assertion allegedly contained therein), (b) explain with specificity what the true facts are, and (c) include your full name and contact information.

Photo of Eric L. McMahon, MEd, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D, RSCC*E
About the author

Eric L. McMahon, MEd, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D, RSCC*E

NSCA Headquarters

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Eric McMahon is the Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager at the NSCA Headquarters in Colorado Springs. He joined the NSCA Staff in 2020 with ove ...

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Photo of Catherine Elaine Wallace, CSCS, TSAC-F, RSCC
About the author

Catherine Elaine Wallace, CSCS, TSAC-F, RSCC

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Catherine Wallace has been a Tactical Strength and Conditioning Specialist since 2014. She is the current Director of Training at theUniversity of Hea ...

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