TSAC Research Review, January 2015

by Rod Pope, PhD
TSAC Report January 2015
Vol 36, Issue 1

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This article is the first of a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical communities.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 



1. Bullock, S. Prevention of physical training-related injuries recommendations for the military and other active populations based on expedited systematic reviews. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 38(1 Suppl): S156-S181, 2010.
2. Crowley, SK, Wilkinson, LL, Wigfall, LT, Reynold, AM, Muraca, ST, Glover, SH, et al. Physical fitness and depressive symptoms during army basic combat training. Published ahead of print. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2014.
3. Heinrich, KM, Spencer, V, Fehl, N, and Poston, WSC. Mission essential fitness: Comparison of functional circuit training to traditional Army physical training for active duty military. Military Medicine 177(10): 1125-1130, 2012.
4. Hubscher, M, Zech, A, Pfeifer, K, Hansel, F, Vogt, L, and Banzer, W. Neuromuscular training for sports injury prevention: A systematic review. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 42(3): 413-421, 2010.
5. Jones, AM, and Carter, H. The effect of endurance training on parameters of aerobic fitness. Sports Medicine 29(6): 373-386, 2000.
6. Lewinski, WJ, Dysterheft, JL, Dicks, ND, and Pettitt, RW. The influence of officer equipment and protection on short sprinting performance. Applied Ergonomics 47(2015): 65-71, 2014.
7. Park, H, Park, J, Lin, S-H, and Boorady, LM. Assessment of firefighters’ needs for personal protective equipment. Fashion and Textiles 1(8): 2014.
8. Pleban, RJ, Thomas, DA, and Thompson, HL. Physical fitness as a moderator of cognitive work capacity and fatigue onset under sustained combat-like operations. Behaviour Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers 17: 86-89, 1985.
9. Pope, RP, Herbert, RD, Kirwan, JD, and Graham, BJ. Prediction of attrition in basic military training. Military Medicine 164(10): 710-714, 1999.
10. Pope, RP, Herbert, RD, Kirwan, JD, and Graham, BJ. A randomized trial of pre-exercise stretching for injury prevention. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 32(2): 271-277, 2000. 11. Warr, B. Physical Fitness in Army National Guard Soldiers and its Relationship on Utilization of Medical Resources during Combat (PhD thesis, Arizona State University), Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing; 2011.

About the author

Rod Pope, PhD

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