TSAC Report 49 Research Review

by Rod Pope, PhD
TSAC Report October 2018
Vol 49, Issue 6

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This article is the 12th in a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 



1. Coca, A, Williams, W, Roberge, R, and Powell, J. Effects of fire fighter protective ensembles on mobility and performance. Applied Ergonomics 41: 636-641, 2010.

2. Goodall, R, Pope, R, Coyle, J, and Neumayer, R. Balance and agility training does not always decrease lower limb injury risks: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 20(3): 271-281, 2012.

3. Lockie, R, Dawes, J, Kornhauser, C, and Holmes, R. A crosssectional and retrospective cohort analysis of the effects of age on flexibility, strength endurance, lower-body power, and aerobic fitness in law enforcement officers. Publish ahead of print. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, April 18, 2017. 

4. Nagai, T, Lovalekar, M, Wohleber, M, Perlsweig, K, Wirt, M, and Beals, K. Poor anaerobic power/capability and static balance predicted prospective musculoskeletal injuries among Soldiers of the 101st Airborne (Air Assault) Division. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 20: S11-S16, 2017.

5. Pope, R, Herbert, R, Kirwan, J, and Graham, B. Prediction of attrition in basic military training. Military Medicine 164(10): 710-714, 1999.

6. Shusko, M, Benedetti, L, Korre, M, Eshleman, E, Farioli, A, Christophi, C, and Kales, S. Recruit fitness as a predictor of police academy graduation. Occupational Medicine 67: 555-561, 2017.

7. Silk, A, Savage, R, Larsen, B, and Aisbett, B. Identifying and characterising the physical demands for an Australian specialist policing unit. Applied Ergonomics 68: 197-203, 2018.

8. Stanek, J, Dodd, D, Kelly, A, Wolfe, A, and Swenson, R. Active duty firefighters can improve Functional Movement Screen (FMS) scores following an 8-week individualized client workout program. Work 56: 213-220, 2017.

About the author

Rod Pope, PhD

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