TSAC Report 43 Research Review

by Rod Pope, PhD
TSAC Report April 2015
Vol 43, Issue 1


This article is the eighth in a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities. On this occasion, the focus is on new research presented at the 2016 NSCA National Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, July 7 – 8, 2016.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 



1. Abel, M, Lesniak, A, Sell, K, and Morris, C. Comparison of onversus off-duty sleep, physical activity and heart rate variability in professional firefighters. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
2. Adlof, L, and Cosio-Lima, L. C-reactive protein and risk of cardiovascular disease in firefighters. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
3. Allen, K, Metoyer, C, Esco, M, and Bishop, P. Impact of a 4-week linear periodization program on Army Physical Fitness Test scores in ROTC cadets. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
4. Allen, K, Metoyer, C, Flatt, A, Bishop, P, and Esco, M. The relationship between HRV and Army Physical Fitness Test scores in ROTC cadets. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
5. Barnette, T, Ryan, E, Gerstner, G, Tweedell, A, Kleinberg, C, Guiliani, H, and Shea, N. The relationship between rapid and maximal strength and functional balance performance in career firefighters. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
6. Bennell, K, Wajswelner, H, Lew, P, Schall-Riaucour, A, Leslie, S, Plant, D, and Cirone, J. Isokinetic strength testing does not predict hamstring injury in Australian Rules footballers. British Journal of Sports Medicine 32(4): 309-314, 1998. 
7. Croisier, J-L, Ganteaume, S, Binet, J, Genty, M, and Ferret, J-M. Strength imbalances and prevention of hamstring injury in professional soccer players: A prospective study. American Journal of Sports Medicine 36(8): 1469-1475, 2008. 
8. Currenti, S, Darling, G, Goodenough, C, Carter, J, Hopkins, H, Ono, N, et al. The Exercise Inventory Readiness Questionnaire and its relationship to injuries in the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
9. Darling, G, Goodenough, C, Carter, J, Hopkins, H, Currenti, S, Ono, N, et al. The incidence of injuries in the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets over the 2014 fall semester. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
10. Dawes, J, Orr, R, Pope, R, and Elder, C. A comparison of fitness scores between injured vs. uninjured police academy cadets. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
11. Gerstner, G, Ryan, E, Tweedell, A, Kleinberg, C, and Barnette, T. The effect of a meal replacement shake on body composition in overweight and obese firefighters. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
12. Goodenough, C, Darling, G, Carter, J, Hopkins, H, Currenti, S, Ono, N, et al. The type of injuries sustained in the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets over a semester. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
13. Hollerback, B, and Jahnke, S. Female firefighters’ attitudes, perceptions and experiences with injury. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
14. Hopkins, H, Darling, G, Goodenough, C, Carter, J, Currenti, S, Ono, N, et al. The Texas A&M Corps of Cadets’ dietary habits of injured cadets. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
15. Kehler, A, Jahnke, S, Hollerback, B, and Heinrich, K. Reproductive health and female firefighters: A needs analysis. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
16. LaFountain, R, Hyde, P, Fairman, C, Mattern, C, and Henry, T. Comparative study of Army ROTC Training Physical Readiness Protocol versus High Intensity Interval Circuit Training. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
17. Metoyer, C, Allen, K, Bishop, P, and Esco, M. Push-up test predicts 2-mile run performance in ROTC cadets. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
18. Musunuru, K, Kral, B, Blumenthal, R, Fuster, V, Campbell, C, Gluckman, TJ, et al. The use of high-sensitivity assays for C-reactive protein in clinical practice. Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine 5(10): 621-635, 2008.
19. Ono, N, Darling, G, Goodenough, C, Carter, J, Hopkins, H, Currenti, S, et al. The non-exercise related stress factors for the injured cadets in the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
20. Pletcher, E, Lovalekar, M, Frame, M, Kido, Y, Beals, K, Nindl, B, and Allison, K. Decreased percent body fat but not body mass is associated with better performance on combat fitness test in male and female Marines. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
21. Sell, K, Uftring, M, and Abel, M. Relationship between perceived versus measured physical fitness and occupational readiness in firefighters. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
22. Uftring, M, Abel, M, Szymanski, D, Greenwood, M, Lacy, S, and Johnson, N. The effect of acute endurance exercise and recovery time on subsequent firefighter performance. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA. 
23. Warr, K, Meckley, P, Hornsby, J, Houck, J, Daymude, C, Boyle, J, et al. Effects of combining resistance and cardiovascular endurance training on modified RAW assessments. 2016 NSCA National Conference, New Orleans, LA.

About the author

Rod Pope, PhD

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