The Importance of Proper Movement for Marines - Part 3: Evidence-Based Movement Assessment

by Matt Zummo, CSCS
TSAC Report June 2016
Vol 38, Issue 1

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An evidence-based movement assessment could hold Marines accountable for mobility and stability by systematically assessing movement patterns. This article (part three of a four-part series) explains one way that this could be accomplished.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 



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5. Contreras, MA. FMS for Tactical Athletes. Functional Movement Systems. Published Sep 2013.

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11. Hauret, KG, Jones, BH, Bullock, SH, Canham-Chervak, M, and Canada, S. Musculoskeletal injuries: Description of an underrecognized injury problem among military personnel. American Journal of Preventative Medicine 38(1 suppl): S61-S70, 2010.

12. Kiesel, K, and Plisky, P and Voight, M. Can serious injury in professional football be predicted by a preseason functional movement screen? North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy 2(3): 147-158, 2007.

13. Kiesel, K, Plisky, P, and Butler, R. Functional movement test scores improve following a standardized off-season intervention program in professional football players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 21: 287-292, 2011.

14. Kotter, JP. Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail. Harvard Business Review: Harvard Business Publishing; 2007.

15. Minick, KI, Kiesel, KB, Burton, L, Taylor, A, Plisky, P, and Butler, RJ. Interrater reliability of the functional movement screen. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 24(2): 479-486, 2010.

16. Morreale, MG. Combine Test Could Provide Red Flag for Injuries. Published May 26, 2013.

17. O’Connor, FG, Deuster, P, Davis, J, Pappas, CG, and Knapik, JJ. Functional movement screening: Predicting injuries in officer candidates. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 43(12): 2224-2230, 2011.

18. Ozanian, M. The Most Valuable NFL Teams. Published August 14, 2013.

19. Peate, WF, Bates, G, Lunda, K, Francis, S, and Bellamy, K. Core strength: A new model for injury prediction and prevention. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2:3, April 2007.

20. Teyhen, DS, Shaffer, SW, Lorenson, CL, Halfpap, JP, Donofry, DF, Walker, MJ, Dugan, JL, and Childs, JD. The functional movement screen: A reliability study. Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy 42(6): 530-540, 2012.

About the author

Matt Zummo

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Matt Zummo is an active duty United States Marine. An armorofficer by trade, he most recently served as the BattalionCommander, 1st Tank Battalion, 1s ...

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