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The Army Combat Fitness Test – Redefining Physical Training for the United States Army

by Alexander Bedard, Kevin Bigelman,and Russell Nowels
July 2019
Vol 52, Issue 4


This article describes the transition from the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) to the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), as well as the detailed events that make the ACFT.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 

Related Reading



1. CALL handbook 18-37: The army combat fitness test. U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training, 2018. Available from

2. Field manual 7-22: Army physical readiness training. Department of the Army, 2012.

3. Fielitz, L, Coelho, J, Horne, T, and Brechue, W. Inter-rater reliability and intra-rater reliability of assessing the 2-minute pushup test. Military Medicine 181(2): 167-172, 2016.

4. Gist, NH, Freese, EC, and Cureton, KJ. Comparison of responses to two high-intensity intermittent exercise protocols. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 28(11): 3033-3040, 2014.

5. Hauschild, V, DeGroot, D, Hall, S, Deaver, K, Hauret, K, Grier, T, and Jones, B. Correlations between physical fitness tests and performance of military tasks: A systematic review and meta-analyses. U.S. Army Public Health Command PHR 12-02-0614, 2014.

6. Knapik, J, Banderet, L, Bahrke, M, O’Connor, J, Jones, B, and Vogel, J. Army physical fitness test (APFT): Nominative data on 6022 soldiers. U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Report No. T94-7, 1994.

7. Knapik, JJ, and East, WB. History of United States army physical fitness and physical readiness testing. The United States Army Medical Department Journal April-June: 5-19, 2014.

8. Melo, RP, Murph, MM, and Vogel, JA. Relationship between a two-mile run for time and maximal oxygen uptake. Journal of Applied Sport Science Research 2(1): 9-12, 1988.

9. Myers, M. A new army PT test is on its way. This is not a drill. The Army Times, 2018. Retrieved December, 2018 from https://

10. Pescatello, LS. ACSM’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. Baltimore, MD: American College of Sports Medicine; 60-104, 2014.

11. Swinton, PA, Stewart, A, Agouris, I, Keogh, JWL, and Lloyd, R. A biomechanical analysis of straight and hexagonal barbell deadlifts using submaximal loads. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 25(7): 2000-2009, 2011.

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Alexander Bedard

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Russell Nowels is an active duty Army officer serving as the BrigadeOperations Officers for the Armys 1st Space Brigade. He holds aMaster of Science d ...

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