Physical Abilities Testing Validation for Public Safety

by John E. Combs, MA, CSCS
TSAC Report April 2014
Vol 35, Issue 1


Those who are in key decision-making positions should understand the importance of proper research, validation, and implementation procedures when developing physical fitness standards.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 



1. Civil Rights Act of 1991. Title 42, United States Code Section 2000e-2(1). Accessed September 2014 from
2. Collingwood, TR, Hoffman, R, and Smith, J. Underlying physical fitness factors for performing police officer physical tasks Police Chief 71(3): 1, 2004.
3. Connecticut discriminated against women; Federal judge rules against Dept. of Corrections. Public Citizen May 9, 2011. Accessed September 2014 from
4. Cooper Institute. Physical Fitness Assessments and Norms for Adults and Law Enforcement. Dallas, TX: The Cooper Institute; 61-63, 2004.
5. Easterling v. State of Connecticut. Civil Action No.: 3:08-CV-0826 (JCH). May 5, 2011. Retrieved 2014 from
6. Lanning, CN, et al. v. Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, 308 F.3d 286 3rd Circuit. 2000. Accessed September 2014 from
7. Uniform Guidelines for Employee Selection Procedures. Accessed September 2014 from

About the author

John E. Combs, MA, CSCS

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John Combs is the School Director and Chief Instructor for the Physical Fitness and Subject Control and Arrest Techniques Training Programs at the Nor ...

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