Program Design Considerations for Optimal Strength and Hypertrophy of the Glute Muscles

by Ashley Hodge, MBA, CSCS
Personal Training Quarterly April 2024
Vol 10, Issue 4


This article provides eight important considerations when designing a program to optimally build the glutes.

Increasing glute strength can likely improve many performance-based actions, including sprinting, jumping, cutting, and rotating due to the glutes’ tri-planar role as hip extensors, hip abductors, and hip external rotators. While there is no best scientifically-proven way to periodize a program, there are many methods that a personal trainer can employ to successfully build stronger glutes in their clients. This article provides eight considerations when designing a program to optimally build the glutes.

This article originally appeared in Personal Training Quarterly (PTQ)—a quarterly publication for NSCA Members designed specifically for the personal trainer. Discover easy-to-read, research-based articles that take your training knowledge further with Nutrition, Programming, and Personal Business Development columns in each quarterly, electronic issue. Read more articles from PTQ »

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  3. Contreras, B. Glute Lab: The Art and Science of Strength and Physique Training. Las Vegas, NV: Victory Belt Publishing. 124-128, 184-185, 191-193, 196-197; 2019.
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About the author

Ashley Hodge, MBA, CSCS

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Ashley Hodge is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) along with a ...

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