Giving the Clients What They Want—A Personal Perspective

by Ryan Carver, CSCS
Personal Training Quarterly October 2014
Vol 2, Issue 4


It is the job of the personal trainer to help clients reach their goals in a safe and effective manner. However, it can be easy to lose sight of the big picture of a client’s life and have tunnel vision on specific training aspects that may not matter.

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This article originally appeared in Personal Training Quarterly (PTQ)—a quarterly publication for NSCA Members designed specifically for the personal trainer. Discover easy-to-read, research-based articles that take your training knowledge further with Nutrition, Programming, and Personal Business Development columns in each quarterly, electronic issue. Read more articles from PTQ »



1. Bandura, A. Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual Review of Psychology 52: 1-16, 2001.
2. Covey, SR. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Free Press, 2004.
3. Deci, EL, and Ryan, R. 2011. Self-determination theory. In: Van Lange, PAM, Kruglanski, AW, and Higgins, ET (Eds.), Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology: Collection: Volumes 1 and 2. SAGE Publications; 416-433.


About the author

Ryan Carver, CSCS

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Ryan Carver is a fitness coach and independent personal trainer. He was a collegiate athlete and spent one season in the American Ultimate Disc League ...

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