The Confucian Adaptability Model for Interpersonal Skill Development

by Preston Ellington, CSCS
Personal Training Quarterly July 2022
Vol 9, Issue 1


This article discusses the idea of Confucian adaptability as a framework for cultivating interpersonal skills for personal trainers.

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This article originally appeared in Personal Training Quarterly (PTQ)—a quarterly publication for NSCA Members designed specifically for the personal trainer. Discover easy-to-read, research-based articles that take your training knowledge further with Nutrition, Programming, and Personal Business Development columns in each quarterly, electronic issue. Read more articles from PTQ »

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1. Bandura, A, Freeman, WH, and Lightsey, R. Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control. American Psychological Association; 1999.

2. Buckworth, J. Exercise determinants and interventions. International Journal of Sport Psychology 31: 305-320, 2000.

3. Chu, LC. The benefits of meditation vi-a-vis emotional intelligence, perceived stress and negative mental health. Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress 26(2): 169-180, 2010.

4. Dupuy, O, Douzi, W, Theurot, D, Bosquet, L, and Dugué, B. An evidence-based approach for choosing post-exercise recovery techniques to reduce markers of muscle damage, soreness, fatigue, and inflammation: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Frontiers in Physiology 403, 2018.

5. Fitts, PM, and Posner, M. Human Performance. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing; 1967.

6. Green, DJ. American Council on Exercise Personal Training Manual, Fifth Edition. San Deigo, CA: American Council on Exercise; 29-71, 2014.

7. Hagger, MS, Wood, C, Stiff, C, and Chatzisarantis, NL. Ego depletion and the strength model of self-control: A metaanalysis. Psychological Bulletin 136(4): 495, 2010.

8. McConnell, CR. Interpersonal skills: What they are, how to improve them, and how to apply them. The Health Care Manager 23(2): 177-187, 2004.

9. Melton, DI, Katula, JA, and Mustian, KM. The current state of personal training: An industry perspective of personal trainers in a small southeast community. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 22(3): 883, 2008.

10. Prochaska, JO, Johnson, S, and Lee, P. The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change. American Psychological Association; 1998.

11. Ryan, RM, Lynch, MF, Vansteenkiste, M, and Deci, EL. Motivation and autonomy in counseling, psychotherapy, and behavior change: A look at theory and practice 1ψ7. The Counseling Psychologist 39(2): 193-260, 2011.

12. Turner, RD, Polly, S, and Sherman, AR. A Behavioral Approach to Individualized Exercise Programming. Counseling Methods. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston; 349-359, 1976.

13. Williams, SL, and French, DP. What are the most effective intervention techniques for changing physical activity self-efficacy and physical activity behaviour—and are they the same? Health Education Research 26(2): 308-322, 2011.

Photo of Preston Ellington, CSCS
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Preston Ellington, CSCS

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