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Training for Pickleball

by Allen Hedrick, MA, CSCS,*D, FNSCA
NSCA Coach February 2024
Vol 10, Issue 4

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The purpose of this article is to provide an example of a resistance training program for improving performance and reducing the possibility of injury for pickleball players.

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This article originally appeared in NSCA Coach, a quarterly publication for NSCA Members that provides valuable takeaways for every level of strength and conditioning coach. You can find scientifically based articles specific to a wide variety of your athletes’ needs with Nutrition, Programming, and Youth columns. Read more articles from NSCA Coach »

Related Reading

  1. Anderer, J. Pickleball can help older adults stay physically fit the fun way. Study finds. April 27, 2023. Retrieved May 2023 from https://pickleball-older-adults-fit.
  2. Fox, P. Mainstream welcomes pickleball. SportsEdTV. August 2022. Retrieved May 2023 from mainstream-welcomes/pickleball/.
  3. Haff, G. Training principles of power. Strength and Conditioning Journal 34(6): 2-12, 2012.
  4. Hedrick, A. Training for high level performance in women’s collegiate volleyball: Part II: Training program. Strength and Conditioning Journal 30(1): 12-21, 2008.
  5. Hedrick, A. Strength training for pickleball and padel. SportsEdTV. December, 2022. Retrieved May 2023 from https://
  6. Inverarity, L. The anatomy of the rotator cuff. Verywell health. July 21, 2023. Retrieved September 19, 2023 from https://www.
  7. Mansfield, K, Dopke, K, Koroneos, Z, Bonaddio, Z, Adeyemo, A, and Aynardim M. Achilles tendon ruptures and repair in athletes-a review of sports-related Achilles injuries and return to play. Current Reviews of Musculoskeletal Medicine 15(5): 353-361, 2022.
  8. McClure, R. Pickleball training for older adults. Personal Training Quarterly 4(2): 30-35, 2016.
  9. Nessler, T. How to train for pickleball: Performance improvement and injury prevention. SportsEdTV. October 6, 2022. Retrieved May 2023 from for-pickleball-performance-improvement-injury-prevention.
  10. Nessler, T. How to play more pickleball and avoid injury. SportsEdTV. December 6, 2022. Retrieved May 2023 from avoid-injury.
  11. Roetert, P, Kovacs, M, Knudson, D, and Groppel, J. Biomechanics of the tennis groundstrokes: Implications for strength training. Strength and Conditioning Journal 31(4): 41-49, 2009.
  12. Smith, LE, Buchanan CA, and Dalleck, L. The acute and chronic physiological responses to pickleball in middle-aged and older adults. International Journal of Research Exercise Physiology 13(2): 21-32, 2018.
  13. Sturgess, S, and Newton, RU. Design and implementation of a specific strength program for badminton. Strength and Conditioning Journal 30(3): 33-41, 2008.
  14. Terrell, SL, and Ficquette, P. Exploring training strategies to optimize court performance in older pickleball athletes. Strength and Conditioning Journal 45(1):1-12. 2023.
  15. Shannon, M. America’s fastest growing sport is a cross between tennis, ping pong, and badminton. NPR. February 19, 2022. Retrieved May 2023 from https://www/wgbh/org/news/ lifestyle/2022/02/19/americas-fastest-growing-sport-is-a-crossbetween- tennis-ping-pong-and-badminton.
About the author

Allen R. Hedrick, MA, CSCS, RSCC*E, FNSCA

Contact Allen Hedrick

Allen Hedrick retired in 2020 from the role of Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Colorado State University-Pueblo, in Pueblo, CO. Previously, He ...

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