Glute Ham Raise

by Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training-3rd Edition
Kinetic Select January 2020


This excerpt from the book Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training, 3rd Edition, discusses the proper technique for the glute ham raise exercise.

The following is an exclusive excerpt from the book Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training-3rd Edition With Online Video, published by Human Kinetics. All text and images provided by Human Kinetics.

Starting Position

  • To begin, position the body on the glute ham bench with the ankles between the ankle roller pads, the feet flat against the foot platform, and the thighs (just above the knees) pressed against the pad.
  • Flex the knees to approximately 90 degrees to position the upper body perpendicular to the floor.
  • The shoulders, hips, and knees should be vertically aligned with the head in a neutral position.
  • Cross the arms in front of the chest.

Downward Movement

  • Begin the downward movement by slowly allowing the knees to extend.
  • The shoulders, hips, and knees remain aligned, with the arms still crossed in front of the chest.
  • As the aligned torso and thighs approach parallel to the floor, allow the hips to flex and the knees to fully extend. Doing so will allow the thighs to move up on the thigh pad so the hips can flex over the top of the pad. When this occurs, the upper body can continue moving down until it is nearly perpendicular to the floor.
  • At the lowest point, the shoulders and hips are still aligned with the head in a neutral position.

Upward Movement

  • Begin the upward movement by extending the hips.
  • Maintain alignment of the hips and shoulders.
  • When the torso and thighs are parallel to the floor, flex the knees to allow the thighs to move down on the thigh pad so the hips can extend over the top of the pad.
  • Continue extending the hips and flexing the knees to approximately a 90-degree angle to move the upper body back to the starting position.

Starting Position

Parallel Position

Lowest Position

Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training, Third Edition With Online Video, explains 70 resistance training exercises with step-by-step instructions, photos, and online video demonstrations. The book is available in bookstores everywhere, as well as online at the NSCA Store.

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