Agility and Quickness Test: Box Step-Off Landing Assessment

by Developing Agility and Quickness
Kinetic Select May 2017


This book excerpt explains how to perform the box step-off landing assessment, which is used to determine an athlete’s readiness before beginning a program in agility and quickness.

The following is an exclusive excerpt from the book Developing Agility and Quickness, published by Human Kinetics. All text and images provided by Human Kinetics.


To determine an athlete’s readiness before beginning a program in agility and quickness.


This test examines the ability to maintain stability and handle additional stress that comes from jumping, bounding, and deceleration. It is also good for use with beginning athletes.


6- to 18-inch (15–46 cm) plyometric box.


The athlete stands on a plyometric box that is 6 to 18 inches (15–46 cm) high and assumes a comfortable, upright stance with feet shoulder-width apart. He should step from the box, landing on the floor in an athletic position with even pressure on both feet and then in a controlled manner perform a bodyweight squat. The athlete should maintain proper body alignment (chest up, shoulders back, feet approximately shoulder-width apart, and knees in alignment with toes) and should land in a balanced position.

From the National Strength and Conditioning Association comes this resource packed with more than 100 drills to help in the development of agility and quickness training programs. Applicable to almost every sport, Developing Agility and Quickness focuses on improving athletes’ fleetness of foot, change-of-direction speed, and reaction time. The book is available in bookstores everywhere, as well as online at the NSCA Store.

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