CSCS Exam Prep LIVE Clinics

The NSCA offers the Exam Prep Live Clinic for individuals preparing for the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) exam. These clinics are designed to help candidates get ready for the exam by improving their knowledge, confidence, and motivation. The clinics are not all-encompassing but focus on a review of the most relevant content. Additionally, candidates can interact with and ask questions of the expert presenters.

"I would definitely recommend attending. After reading the book I understood the exercise science concepts but was still struggling to apply them. The instructor was awesome. He did a great job of explaining the concepts and helping to bridge the gap between understanding the concepts and actually applying them. I was hesitant to spend the money on the course but I’m happy I did it and it was well worth it". - Nick Cioffi

The Exam Prep Live Clinics are designed to provide an engaging and interactive learning environment that moves participants forward in their preparation for the exam.

When should I plan to attend an Exam Prep Live Clinic?

The Exam Prep Live Clinics can be beneficial at any point in your preparation.

  • Just starting preparation? The breadth and depth of the study materials can be overwhelming. The Exam Prep Live Clinic will help you narrow down your focus and provide guidance to the process.
  • In the middle of preparation? Preparing for the exam can be a lengthy process where motivation to continue preparing can begin to slip. The Exam Prep Live Clinic can help you get back on track and provide continued guidance.
  • Nearly ready for the exam? The Exam Prep Live Clinics can help identify any gaps in your knowledge, skills, or abilities and provide clarification of challenging aspects.

Attendees will also receive a workbook of the PowerPoint presentations with additional practices questions (NSCA EP exclusive, not available for retail purchase).

Clinic Formats:

  • Live Online (via Zoom meetings) 
  • Live In-Person

Please Note: Exam Prep Clinics (online and in-person) are not recorded for reasons of copyright protection. 

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September 2024

September 28 & 29

University of Texas at Arlington, TX

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October 2024

October 5 & 6

Lincoln Memorial University, TN

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October 12 &13

West Chester University, PA

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October 19 & 20

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, WI

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November 2024

November 2 & 3

Fresno Pacific University, CA

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November 2 & 3

Texas A&M University, TX

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November 9 & 10

Liberty University, VA

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November 15, 22, 29 & December 6

Zoom 7:30 am - 12:00 pm MST

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December 2024

Dec 14 & 15

University of Florida, FL

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Dec 14 & 15

Kennesaw State University, GA

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January 2025

January 7 & 8

NSCA Coaches Conference, LA

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