Host an Exam Preparation Live Clinic

Interested in Hosting an Exam Prep Clinic? The NSCA is always looking for locations qualified to host an NSCA Exam Prep Clinic. Please read below to learn more about the requirements and process!

The NSCA welcomes your interest in hosting an Exam Prep (EP) Live Clinic. We currently accept requests for the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) clinic and are open to discussing other options as they present. The NSCA will oversee and handle all aspects of the clinics to include:

  • Participant Registration
  • Provision of Clinic Materials
  • Approval and Identification of Clinic Instructors
  • Provision of Clinic Materials 

The application and approval process is as follows:

Step 1. Determine if your location meets the following site requirements:

  • Lecture area that can accommodate 20-50 attendees
  • Provision of a projector and screen
  • Access to a weight room allowing for the performance of cleans, squats, deadlifts, and bench press 

Step 2.  Identify several dates a minimum of 5-6 months out for your clinic.

Download and complete the Host Application then submit it directly to  

Host Application (PDF)

 Please allow 1 – 2 weeks for staff to process the application. To ensure the success of all clinics, we work to avoid scheduling clinics within 6 – 8 hours of each other within a 2-month time frame and must identify instructors for the clinic. 

Host sites with qualified staff are welcome to apply as assisting instructors by completing and submitting the Instructor Application and a CV or resume. 

Step 3. Upon approval of the application, an agreement and marketing materials will be provided to the Host.

We rely on host sites to assist in the marketing process and will provide our best recommendations to you. The NSCA will promote the clinic on the NSCA website and through NSCA's social media. 

Please note that a minimum of 6 registrants is required for a clinic. The NSCA monitors registration numbers and will make a determination to cancel at 3 weeks if this minimum number is not met. 

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to working with you. Additional questions can be submitted to or by calling NSCA Headquarters and asking to speak to a member of the Exam Preparation Staff. 

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