RSCC Course Materials 2023

You must purchase this course before attempting to take the quiz. After purchase, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to the quiz; you may also return to this page to begin.

To prepare for the renewal quiz, please review the four RSCC Renewal Course videos. You must pass the quiz by answering 21 out of the 30 questions correctly. If you pass, you will earn 0.6 CEUs in Category D.


Effective Decision-Making in Strength and Conditioning

by Dr. Duncan French
2023 National Conference

You must login to your NSCA Account and purchase the 2023 RSCC Renewal Course to view this video.

How to Coach and Teach Olympic Lifting in a Team Setting

by Ryan Metzger
2023 NSCA Coaches Conference

You must login to your NSCA Account and purchase the 2023 RSCC Renewal Course to view this video.


Testing and Profiling Athletes: Recommendations for Test Selection, Implementation, and Maximizing Information.

by Weakley, J., Black, G., McLaren, S., Scantlebury, S., Suchomel, T.J., McMahon, E., Watts, D., and Read, D.
Strength and Conditioning Journal, May 2023.

National Strength and Conditioning Association Position Statement on Weightlifting for Sports Performance

by Comfort, P., Haff, G.G., Suchomel, T.J., Soriano, M.A., Pierce, K.C., Hornsby, W.G., Haff, E.E., Sommerfield, L.M., Chavda, S., Morris, S.J., Fry, A.C., and Stone, M.H.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, June 2023

The Importance of Boundaries and Roles for Coaches 

by Andy Gillham
NSCA Coach, November 2022.

Proper Alignment of Expectations for Strength and Conditioning Practitioners

by Craig DeAngelis
NSCA Coach, May 2023


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