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Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 12:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.

Michael H. Stone, PhD, CSCS,*D, FNSCA

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Mike Stone is internationally recognized as a favorite presenter atevents across the nation and considered one of the leading mindsin research in the field of sport science. Now at East TennesseeState University (ETSU), Stone has served as the Director of theExercise and Sports Science Lab since August 2005. Stone helpedestablish the Center of Excellence for Sport Science and CoachEducation in October of 2008. Stone has also helped to implementthe first Sport Physiology and Performance PhD program in thenation at ETSU. During his more than 45-year academic career,Stone has been on the faculty at five different foreign anddomestic universities and has seen his work published more than250 times. Additionally, he has served multiple positions with theUnited States Olympic Committee, and as the Head Strength andConditioning Coach at Louisiana State University and as a strengthand conditioning coach for basketball at Auburn University. Hehas coached several international and national level weightliftersincluding one Olympianand throwers in both the United Statesand Great Britain. He continues to consult with several professionaland collegiate teams concerning their strength and conditioningprograms. Stone was recognized as the recipient of the ETSU awardfor Distinguish Research Faculty in 2008. He is a Fellow of theNSCA and United Kingdom Strength and Conditioning Association(UKSCA). He holds the Certified Strength and ConditioningSpecialist (CSCS) certification from the NSCA and AccreditedStrength and Conditioning Coach (ASCC) certification from UKSCA.In 1991, the NSCA named Stone the Sports Scientist of the Year.Nine years later, the NSCA also honored him with the LifetimeAchievement Award.

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