Patrick T. Conway, MS, CSCS

Contact Patrick Conway

Contact Patrick Conway

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Patrick Conway currently works at the United States Department ofVeteran Affairs, establishing fitness and rehabilitation exercise forretired veterans referred by the hospital. Additionally, he helps withoverseeing the fitness facility and assisting veterans. Previously,Conway worked as the Fitness Program Manager with the UnitedStates Air Force. In this time, Conway prescribed modified fitnessplans for military personnel on extended medical profiles anddetermined fitness testing components allowed for militarypersonnel on a medical profile. He also taught and certified all AirForce physical training leaders in the basics of how to conductand lead squadron physical fitness using classroom and hands-ontraining. In addition, he trained and certified civilian personnel onhow to conduct official fitness testing of military personnel andcompleted video analysis and screening of personnel to reviewmovement and running patterns to identify areas needing attentionor improvement. Additionally, Conway has earned the EIM2 andClinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP) certifications.

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