Josh Wildeman, MA, CSCS, RSCC

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Josh Wildeman is currently a full-time instructor in the Kinesiologyand Sport Department at the University of Southern Indiana. Healso serves as the Designated Head Strength and ConditioningCoach for the University of Southern Indiana Athletic Department.In this role, he oversees the program design and implementationof strength conditioning for all athletic programs and directlyconducts the training for a number of the teams, includingthe 2018 Division II National Champion softball team and the2019 Final Four mens basketball team. Previously, he was anAdvanced Physical Education Teacher and the Head Strength andConditioning Coach at Castle High School for eight years. Duringhis tenure at Castle High School, the strength and conditioningprogram was awarded the National Strength and ConditioningAssociation (NSCA) Strength of America Award from 2012 2014.In 2014, he was a finalist for the NSCA High School Strength andConditioning Coach of the Year Award. Wildeman is a CertifiedStrength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and RegisteredStrength and Conditioning Coach (RSCC) through the NSCA. He isalso certified by United States of America Weightlifting (USAW)as a Level 1 Sports Performance Coach and by the AmericanCollege of Sports Medicine (ACSM) as a Certified Personal Trainer(ACSM-CPT). Wildeman has been published in the Strength andConditioning Journal and the International Athletic AdministrationMagazine. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Educationfrom Indiana University in 2007 and a Master of Arts degree inPhysical Education (Coaching Specialization) from Ball StateUniversity in 2010.

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