Brice Long

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Brice Long is the Director of Human Performance Experience at O2X.  In this role, Brice leads the HQ-based team responsible for the companys technology development, partnerships, as well as client sustainment and administration. Brice also oversees O2Xs On-Site Human Performance Specialist program, which imbeds full-time O2X specialists into agencies nationwide. He works alongside a team of US Special Operations veterans; Olympic, professional, and collegiate athletes; and a network of hundreds of human performance experts to provide education and training that helps tactical athletes finish their careers as strong as they startedBefore joining the O2X team, Brice was a career firefighter in Northern Virginia.  Brice spent several years assigned to a busy truck company before a transfer to the training division placed him in charge of recruit academies, company officer development programs and field training, as well as conditioning programs for the academy and for firefighters in the field. His work there has been recognized by national fire service organizations and published in the National Strength and Conditioning Associations (NSCA) peer-reviewed Tactical Strength and Conditioning JournalPrior to the fire service, Brice worked as a senior aide to former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, managing his DC office, communications, and the rollout campaign for the release of the New York Times Bestseller Known and Unknown. The international book tour included more than 100 events over its first year and raised over $750,000 for military charities supported by the Rumsfeld FoundationBrice is a graduate of Roanoke College and an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He lives in Duxbury with his wife, Amy, and their English Bulldog, George Washington

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