Jonathan N. Mike, PhD, CSCS, NSCA-CPT

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Jonathan Mike is a Professor in the Exercise Science and SportsPerformance program at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, AZ,a Professor of kinesiology at the University of Southern Mississippi,and an Assistant Professor at Lindenwood University in St. Charles,MO. He earned his PhD in Exercise Science at the University ofNew Mexico (Albuquerque). He has served as a strength coach atWestern Kentucky University and University of Louisville, and hasbeen a frequent contributor and guest host of several websitesand radio shows. He has been a 15-year member of the NationalStrength and Conditioning Association (NSCA); has served onnumerous committees, including the Certification Exam DevelopingCommittee (NSCA-CPT) and Job Analysis Committee; is a currentmember of the Personal Trainers Special Interest Group (SIG); andhas spoken at over 40 events, including many for the NSCA. He haspublished numerous works related to sports nutrition and strengthand conditioning. Further, Mike has been published in the Strengthand Conditioning Journal and Journal of Strength and ConditioningResearch and has written nine book chapters in areas of sportsnutrition and strength training and conditioning. In addition, he hasco-authored many articles on a variety of topics in IDEA FitnessJournal. He is an editor for both Strength and Conditioning Journal,Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, NSCA Coach,Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, and European Journalof Sports Science. He has competed in the sport of Strongman andhis research interests include eccentric training and adaptations,strength and power development, functional movement, exerciseand energy metabolism, and areas of sports nutrition.

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