Russell Nowels

Contact Russell Nowels

Contact Russell Nowels

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Russell Nowels is an active duty Army officer serving as the BrigadeOperations Officers for the Armys 1st Space Brigade. He holds aMaster of Science degree from Indiana University in Kinesiology.Prior to his current assignment, Nowels served as the ExecutiveOfficer for the Department of Physical Education at the UnitedStates Military Academy, West Point, NY. Nowels is a TacticalStrength and Conditioning Facilitator (TSAC-F) through theNational Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), MasterFitness Trainer in the United States Army, Modern Army CombativesLevel II Instructor, United States of America Track and Field Level1 Coach, and a National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics(NAIA) Champions of Character Coach.

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