Joshua Shumway, DPT, PT, CSCS

Contact Joshua Shumway

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Joshua Shumway currently serves as the Flight Commander forPhysical Therapy and Chiropractic Clinics at Langley Air ForceBase, VA. Shumway graduated with a degree in Kinesiology fromUniversity of Wyoming, is a Certified Strength and ConditioningSpecialist (CSCS), and has attended the Tactical Sports andOrthopedic Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship. He is Board-Certified in Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, and iscurrently completing his Doctor of Science studies through BellinCollege. His lanes of research include outcome measure correlationand predictability, manual therapy, syndesmotic ankle sprains,rhabdomyolysis, bone stress injuries, and injury prevention. Priorto his time at Langley Air Force Base, Shumway was the Chief ofHuman Performance for the Special Warfare Training Wing.

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