Vilayat Campbell Del Rossi, CSCS, NSCA-CPT

Contact Vilayat Del Rossi

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Vilayat Del Rossi is the founder and Head Coach of SO CAL Strength and Conditioning (SC2) and is the Assistant Director of Fitness and Wellness at California State University, San Bernardino. SC2 provides best in class training and education to fitness professionals and tactical athletes. Del Rossi has had almost two decades of experience in the field of strength and conditioning, fitness, and higher education. He has been the Associate Director of Recreation at California State University, Long Beach; Senior Program Manager at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Fitness Director for the United States Navy; Strength and Conditioning Coach at Florida State University; and a university lecturer. Additionally, he holds the Level 1 Coach certification from United States of America Weightlifting (USAW).

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