Gifts of Retirement Assets

You may be looking for a way to make a big difference to sustain or maybe even expand the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation mission.

IRA distribution to the NSCA Foundation at the death of the account holder, from retirement plans can be subject to both income and estate taxes. In a large estate, these taxes can leave less than 30 cents on the dollar of the plan’s balance for your children or other heirs (this can be up to 60%-70% of your retirement assets). As a nonprofit organization, we are not taxed upon receiving IRA or other retirement plan assets.

By naming the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation as the beneficiary of the remainder of your retirement assets, 100% of the plan’s balance is available for the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation’s use.

Benefits of gifts of IRA Charitable Rollover

Your heirs would avoid income tax on any retirement assets funded on a pre-tax basis
Receive potential estate tax savings from an estate tax deduction
Satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year
Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions
Your IRA Charitable rollover will help further the work and mission of the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation immediately!
How to make a gift of retirement assets

To make an IRA charitable rollover, or to name the NSCA Foundation as the beneficiary of a retirement account at your death, contact your IRA plan administrator.

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